Morning Routine

I thought I'd share with you a classic blog post and that is my morning routine. Now this is honestly a typical morning for me every weekday as I work five days a week and this is something I do every day. Let's get started. 
I usually wake up around seven or half seven in the morning, depending on when I have to start work. The first thing I do is go downstairs and make myself coffee. I honestly cannot function in the morning without my coffee so that is an essential part of my morning. I'm one of those weird people that doesn't eat breakfast in the morning. It's just something my body is so used to that it's normal for me, unless I'm staying in a hotel then I would happily head for the breakfast buffet but when I'm at home, I'm never in the mood for breakfast so the coffee makes up for that.
I will then bring the coffee back to my room and make my bed. I always have to make my bed in the morning, otherwise the temptation to get back into bed is real. Honestly it takes five seconds out of my day and I may as well do it.
Next I go to the bathroom to do my business and then brush my teeth. No explanation other than the fact that I don't understand people that don't brush their teeth. Honestly, it's nice to have fresh breath and clean teeth. The first step to self care is basic hygiene and I don't want to go to work feeling gross so brushing my teeth really helps.
Now when it comes to skincare, I've usually been hit or miss. Especially on how much skincare I do. As I get older, I've become lazy but I've also been blessed with skin that doesn't have many problems other than it being sensitive. What I use on my face is just a Cien Micellar Water and I just use it to clean my face and provide that little bit of skincare to my day. If you're wondering where you can get this, it's from Lidl and this is the second bottle I've owned. So far I've really loved using it as it feels nice on my skin and does the job of cleansing my face.
During my get ready prep, I like to catch up on Eastenders and because iPlayer realises the episode at 6am every morning this has honestly made my mornings because it means I can just watch the episode in the morning while I get ready. It's only on a Friday I have to find something else to watch as Eastenders isn't shown on Fridays but I cannot sit in silence while I get ready. I have to have something in the background to watch while I get ready.
Next is my makeup and honestly it hasn't really changed since my previous post on my makeup routine so if you're curious I'll leave a link to it on the bottom of this post. Honestly though, I like doing my makeup in the mornings because it makes me feel like me and I just feel like I have my whole life together when my face is done. 
After doing my makeup, I put on my work uniform which honestly feels good when you have a uniform because it is an easy way for you to differentiate when you're in work mode and when you're in normal mode.
Finally, I just prepare my work bag which honestly doesn't change much. I just make sure I have my headphones and purse in there before I head out to work for the day. 

There we have it. That is my morning routine. Pretty simple but honestly, I'd rather it be simple than overly complicated. When you get into a routine, it honestly helps especially when waking up in the morning. My body clock always knows when it's time to get up because sometimes I wake up before my alarm has even gone off.

Anyway, that's all I have to really say about my morning routine. Thank you for reading my blog and I'll be back tomorrow with another post. 

See you then. 

Megan x 

*This is not a sponsored post* 

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