My Favourite Audiobooks

As someone who loves a good book, sometimes I struggle to find time to actually sit and read a physical book. This is due to being busy travelling to and from work or just wanting to do something else instead. Something I've loved for many years now is a good audiobook because it has allowed me to listen to a whole story while I also do other things like walking or just travelling. I thought I'd share some audiobooks that I've really enjoyed and would highly recommend if you're interested in reading books. I use Audible and sadly don't have a promo code to offer you but I believe they do have a free trial if you are interested in audiobooks. Anyway, let's get into my favourite audiobooks.

1. The Harry Potter Series
I feel like I had to mention this as honestly I really enjoy listening to these audiobooks and end up listening to them every year. That's why if you ever check my Goodreads stats you'll see every year I've consumed the Harry Potter series and that is through the Audiobooks. I think they are just a comfort to me to listen to from time to time. I always find myself downloading them and listening to them. I have Stephen Fry reading them and honestly the way he reads the story is just perfect from the character voices he does to just his voice in general is a real comfort. It feels like taking a trip back to Hogwarts with Stephen Fry as my guide and honestly, getting these audiobooks was the best decision of my life and I would highly recommend them. 

2. The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks
Honestly, I had no idea what to expect when I got this audiobook but honestly it was worth it. The Last Song is told through different character perspectives and what I didn't realise was there's added music to this audiobook which honestly really sets the character. Particularly during the chapters where the antagonist is speaking, it really sets the mood. It's a really great story and I enjoyed the film so I wanted to read the book but didn't have much time so I spent a free credit on this and I was pleasantly surprised. It's narrated by Pepper Binkley and Scott Sowers which was a good choice because they really brought each character's perspective to life. Would definitely highly recommend it if you're looking for a good audiobook and romance story. 

3. Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
I know this may be a controversial one given the subject matter of this story and the fact we had four seasons of a Netflix show about this very book. However, the difference is this book only takes place from season one and also we don't get as much detail compared to the show which is quite interesting to say the least. The book follows Clay who listens to Hannah's tapes through one night and goes around the different pinpoints in their town and we meet very few characters of the story. We just get Clay's perspective and Hannah's perspective. The audiobook is a great listen for this because you feel like you are Clay listening to Hannah's tapes as the story progresses. It has a male and female voice which distinguishes it from Clay's perspective and when we're listening to Hannah's tape. I really enjoyed listening to this audiobook and I got it after the first season of Thirteen Reasons Why because it made me curious as I knew there were a lot of differences between the show and the book. I liked the book version although it did have a lot of unanswered questions which I think the show answered pretty well between the first and second season. The show is definitely controversial with some of its scenes but it's definitely a show that does break boundaries and gets people to actually talk about the serious conversations. I'm not sure it does it well but the audiobook of Thirteen Reasons Why is definitely a safer way to have a listen to it. I wouldn't recommend it to those that may be triggered by topics of suicide and sexual assault but the way the story is told in this audiobook is done really way and definitely makes you feel like your Clay listening to Hannah's tapes especially if you listen to it through headphones. This audiobook may not be for everyone but I did enjoy it. 

4. A Good Girl's Guide To Murder by Holly Jackson
This one surprised me a lot because I was not really sure what I was getting myself into when reading this book and I didn't have time to read the book so I got the audiobook instead and experienced a first time listening to the audiobook. It was really well done. It has multiple people who narrate the story which makes it more realistic than having just one person reading it. Plus the sound effects like when it changes to an audiotape when Pippa is interviewing people about the case she's researching or she's making a voice note to herself, it sounds like it's through an audiotape which really makes it feel like you're immersed into the story and everything that is going on. Honestly, I never know how I feel when I hear a story for the first time through an audiobook but this one surprised me and I really enjoyed it. I haven't had a chance to move onto the sequels but a part of me is slightly curious how they will turn out. Definitely an audiobook I would recommend especially if you're a weirdo like me who is interested in true crime.  

5. The Amazing Book Is Not On Fire by Dan Howell and Phil Lester
This one is honestly just a personal favourite of mine but honestly these are my two favourite YouTubers and honestly bring so much joy to my life. I saw them live in Liverpool during their Interactive Introverts show which was honestly the first time I ever went to the theatre on my own and I had such a good time. I was crying tears of joy when I saw them. I have both of their books they've brought out as well as a signed copy of Dan's You Will Get Through This Night which is honestly so great. With the Amazing Book Is Not On Fire, I really enjoyed reading it through the first time but then I got their audiobook as well because they recommend it and I think it's very cool when it's their own voices reading it because it's adds to their own personal touch plus they sometimes add little details which aren't in the book. One thing I can really appreciate is they cover every single page in the book. Even if it's just a simple picture of their shoes, they will talk about every page of the book and I really commend them for doing that because they definitely put a lot of thought into the audiobook version of their book. I know some audiobooks of autobiographies sometimes skip a few pages like for example the Sidemen book, I know they skipped a few pages and didn't read word from word the actual book which is fair enough especially if you don't have the physical book in front of you but it's a little tricky to read the book while listening to the audiobook as they skip over a few lines and makes reading it confusing but that's just a personal peeve of mine that I have. I still enjoyed their audiobook but honestly Dan and Phil's book is the perfect combination of audiobook and physical book. It's like listening to a four hour long video of theirs. It's honestly really great and one of my personal favourite audiobooks of all time. 

There we have it. Those are my top five favourite audiobooks. I know some of them may not be everyone's cup of tea but they're my favourites and I really enjoy them. Let me know what your favourite audiobook is in the comments below. I would love to hear some of your recommendations. 

Thank you for reading my blog and I'll be back tomorrow with another post for you. 

See you then.

Megan x 

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