My Reading Plans

Summer is here and this is the perfect time to get your tbr list down. I think because of the nice weather you can take a book and read anywhere whether that's on the beach or in the park or on your travels. Now is the perfect time to crack open a book and this summer I decided to challenge myself with five books to read which may not seem like a lot but I get into the habit of having a reading slump so this year I'm going to force myself to read five books that have been sitting on my TBR shelf for quite some time. Now without further ado, let's get on with my list of books I want to read this summer. 

1. With This Kiss by Carrie Hope Fletcher
This is the book I'm currently reading at the moment and I'm super excited about reading it. I've read a few of her books in the past and they always surprise me because you think it's going to be a pretty normal story but then something magical happens in between those pages and suddenly you're pleasantly surprised. I also really love the cover of this book and how pretty it is, which is one of the reasons why I picked it up but also the story intrigued me. Would you ever kiss someone if it meant knowing their fate? It's quite an intriguing thought. I'm quite excited to see where this story goes.
2. One Enchanted Evening by Katie Fforde
I was in Tesco which is actually a great place to pick up a book for a bargain price. I was browsing the books and this one came across my eye because it was a good price for a hardback so I picked it up and read the blurb which was when I knew I had to have it. Why you may ask? Because the main character is called Meg. I haven't read many stories that have Megan as the main character. I've had some where she shows up as the side character but never the main protagonist. Of course I didn't just buy the book because of the name of the main character, I read a little further and the story is set in 1964 and it sounds like a feel good romantic comedy type book where two opposites meet and they have to work through their differences causing sparks to fly. I'm someone who loves a good contemporary romance novel and this one seems right up my street. I've never really read anything by Katie Fforde before so I'm quite intrigued to broaden my horizons. I'm hopeful I'll enjoy this story and can't wait to read it.
3. Just Like You by Nick Hornby
I'm pretty sure I had this on my last TBR blog post and I still haven't gotten around to reading it. I have a bad habit where if I buy multiple books at once I tend to choose the newer one of those books first. However, it is my goal to finally get around to reading this one because it's another contemporary romance where two opposites meet and we see their relationship develop over time. I've also never read any of Nick Hornby's books before and I really want to get around to reading this one because it has been sitting on my shelf for too long. 
4. Remember Me? by Sophie Kinsella
I couldn't not throw in a Sophie Kinsella book as she is definitely one of my favourite authors. I've been meaning to read this one for a while now. This story is intriguing to me because it's about where Lexi wakes up and it's a different year but her whole life has completely changed where she's the boss and she's married. However, she can't remember how she got there. This story is about remembering how she got to where she is, hence the title. It reminds me of another book I read a year or so ago called In Five Years by Rebecca Serle where the main character woke up and it was five years later, but her whole life was completely different once again. Stories like that really intrigued me and I always love Sophie Kinsella's books so I'm sure I will love this one too and can't wait to have a read of it.
5. I Heart Forever by Lindsey Kelk
As you know I've slowly been making my way through the I Heart Series and this is the second to last book of the series. I'm really excited to read this one because so much happened in the previous book I Heart Christmas that I'm looking forward to seeing where this story of Angela Clarke takes us. I'm excited to be continuing on with the story this Summer and get around to actually finishing the series. I would definitely highly recommend it if you're looking for a good contemporary romance series because these books definitely supply. 
There we have it. Those are my reading plans for the Summer. Let me know in the comments below what you're hoping to read this summer, I would love to hear it.

Thank you for reading my blog and I'll be back tomorrow with another post tomorrow.

See you then.

Megan x 

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