My Summer Plans

I can safely say that the Summer season has truly begun. I feel like Summer is the perfect time to make plans because the weather is so much nicer and the days feel longer. It just feels like everybody should have a plan of all the things they want to do in the summer and I thought I'd share with you guys my plans for this Summer season. Feel free to take any inspiration from this to add to your own Summer plans and let's get started!

1. Blog More
This is an obvious one but I felt like I should mention it. As I'm posting everyday in July, this will really help me to get back into the swing of things as many of you know I took a very long and extensive break from blogging. Now though I'm back and ready to pump out a whole month's worth of content for you guys. Of course when July comes to an end doesn't mean the posts will stop. If anything I hope it encourages me to get into a routine of blogging and posting at least once a week for you guys. So yeah, my first goal is a pretty obvious one but I felt I needed to add it to this list as that is what I hope to achieve this Summer.
2. Read Five Books
This year I haven't done as much reading as I'd like. In fact as I'm writing this I've only read nine books this year which I know may seem like a lot to some people but compared to last year when I read thirty three books, I'm lagging behind. I want to be able to enjoy reading again and take the time out of my day to actually sit and read a book because I don't do that enough. I have so many books on my TBR shelf that I really need to get a move on.
3. Pass my driving test
This has been a long time coming and I'm not even going to tell you how many lessons I've had. My driving test is booked in the Summer (not saying when) but I'm feeling pretty confident about it. Honestly though, I've been wanting to pass my driving test for a while now so I'm feeling hopeful that I will be able to do it in the Summer. Fingers crossed.
4. Save to buy a car
This is related to the previous one but I'd love to save up to buy a car. It would be pretty amazing to pass my test and actually get a car to drive in. I've got a new job now which pays better than my previous job so I'm feeling pretty hopeful that I'll be able to do this in the Summer. If I pass my driving test of course.
5. Enjoy every moment and make some memories
Finally, what is the point of Summer if you don't make the most of it and enjoy every moment. I'm trying to learn to make more memories because I am somewhat of a sentimental person. I like looking back on photos from places I've been too. Even on this blog I look back at some of the posts like my time in university to other special memories and see how far I've come. This summer I hope to make more memories by making the most of my days off and just having fun. 

There we have it. Those are my Summer plans for 2023. Let me know what your plans are for the Summer in the comments below or feel free to drop me an email. I would love to hear from you guys. 

Thank you for reading my blog and I'll be back tomorrow with another post for you.

Megan x 

*This is not a sponsored post* 

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