Nine Years

During my blogging break this year, I realised I missed a very important anniversary and that was on the 16th May in 2014, a seventeen year old me decided to create a blog and nine years later here I am writing this post on the very blog. It's kind of crazy to me how much time has passed and how much I've improved since the early days. 

The reason why I started my blog was back when I was in my YouTube phase of watching YouTubers like Danisnotonfire, Amazingphil and Zoella. Now, I know I didn't want to make a YouTube channel because I didn't want to put my face out there so instead I decided to create a blog as I knew I didn't have to share myself online so it didn't even matter if I wore pyjamas or comfy clothes, I could still post on my blog. I didn't really think much of it and back then my blogging schedule was even worse back then. I went from posting three times in May and June to then posting again in October. I didn't even proofread my posts or run them through a spell check. I just wrote it all out then published it straight away. I guess I was just a teenager who didn't really know what she was doing and used this blogging as an outlet of sorts, almost like an online diary. 

This blog has captured some significant events in my life, from my A Levels to going to university and just all the different life experiences I've had in these past nine years have all been posted on this blog. Okay maybe not every single thing but most of them are all on this blog and honestly I'm so proud at how far I've come. The fact that this is my 664 post on this blog is crazy and what's even crazier is this blog has received over 85,000 views is just incredible. I was honestly so happy when I got to my first 100 page views but to see how far it's grown is just amazing. I'm honestly so grateful to anyone that has taken the time to visit my little corner of the internet and read one of my posts because it makes it all worthwhile to know people are reading what I write whether it's for enjoyment or they take a bit of advice from it, either way it means a lot to me so thank you dear reader. You honestly make me really happy. If I told seventeen year old me how many page views she would get in nine years time, she would not believe me in the slightest so thank you so much for taking the time to view my blog.

Next year, it will be my ten year anniversary of this blog and I know that I've got to plan something even special as that for me is a huge achievement. Honestly, blogging is definitely something I really enjoy doing and will continue to do for however long I can.

Anyway, I know this post was just me reflecting on the fact it's been nine years since I started this blog but I felt the need to acknowledge it as I was on a break on blogging on the actual anniversary so it only felt right to mention it now during my month of posts. 

Once again, thank you for taking the time to read my blog, it means so much to me and I'll be back tomorrow with another post for you. 

See you then. 

Megan x 

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