Productive Tips For Summer

Summer is the time most people see as the time for relaxation. Mainly because it's the summer holidays of school and university, it's the perfect time to just not do a lot. However, life goes on and the majority of us have jobs to do or chores to do around the house. The weather makes it a real struggle to focus and stay on top of things so I thought I'd share my tips on how to stay productive in Summer when all you want to do is relax.

1. To Do Lists
I always highly recommend a to do list whenever I want to feel productive because it is one of the most effective ways to keep on track of everything. Even writing one master list of everything you want to get done whether it's cleaning your bedroom, doing some gardening, working out, or developing a new skill. Whatever it is you want to do in order to have a productive Summer then write it down on a master list then create a weekly or daily to do list to complete. It gives you a bit of structure on how you want to plan your day and it's a good feeling when you cross everything off your list. My biggest tip would be to start with the thing you're least looking forward to completing that way you can get it over and done with sooner then it'll make the rest of the list get easier and easier to complete. If you want to feel productive then I would highly recommend writing to do lists because they are really handy.

2. Tidy
From way back when I was in university, I would easily get distracted from doing my work if my surroundings were cluttered and as a result would leave me either unmotivated to do any work or just go on a whole cleaning spree while also procrastinating my uni work. However, it taught me that one of the best ways to get productive is to just start tidying whether it's my desk I work at or just my bedroom or even a part of the house. Something as simple as making your bed in the morning can really put you in a productive mood. If your bed is messy, you'll be tempted to just crawl back into bed but if it was made then you'll be less likely to get back into bed until the evening. I truly believe the phrase 'tidy space, tidy mind' because when your surroundings are clutter free it puts you a little bit at ease in yourself and may even make you want to be productive. If your surroundings are cluttered then it could impact how you feel, although tidying up the clutter is a productive action in itself because you're tidying up your space. Either way tidying can really set you on the right track to having a productive day. Even if it's just as simple as making your bed or cleaning up your work space, once that's complete then really reflect on how it makes you feel. If it's a good feeling then you're on the right track, if not then keep tidying until you have that sense of accomplishment. 

3. Work out when you feel the most productive
I've come to realise as you get older that we all have different times where we feel most productive. Some people feel it as soon as they wake up and some feel it in the evening. It's all about trial and error on what works for you. Even just dedicating one hour to being productive can make all the difference. Whether you're an early bird or a night owl, there will be a time where you have a lot of energy and motivation to do something productive. Use that time wisely and try to incorporate it in your daily room. Set aside an hour in your daily routine whether it's before you work or after work where you will do something productive whether it's tidy your room or exercise. Whatever it is, make it a part of your routine and slowly you'll find yourself having many productive days. 

4. Set one alarm
Did you ever used to be that person who would set multiple alarms and then train yourself to switch them all over because that was me in school? You realise that it's counterproductive because one you're wasting time forcing yourself to go back to sleep and you also run the really big risk of accidentally switching off the last alarm and risk being late. Having one alarm takes all that stress away because one as soon as you hear that alarm you know that you need to get up. Setting a realistic alarm means you can give yourself plenty of time to get ready in the morning and eventually the more you get up at the same time everyday then naturally your body clock will wake up at the same time everyday so you slowly get used to the routine. Of course make sure you give yourself plenty of sleep the night before. Personally, I wake up at 7am and I try to get to sleep before 12am every night so that I can get at least seven hours sleep because any less than that and I get groggy. Having a good sleeping pattern can really help you when it comes to feeling productive. 

5. Relax
Don't forget to take some time to relax and don't put so much pressure on yourself. Remember to look after yourself first and foremost. Those productive things can wait if you're lacking the motivation. Everyone has those days where we just don't feel like doing anything productive. Just take some time out for yourself especially if the majority of your week is taken up by your job, it's okay to have time to relax especially working for the majority of the week. On those days off we can have a lie in and just do nothing because we deserve it especially after working. I think being in the mentality of work all the time can take its toll on us from time to time and we just need a day to just get over the stresses of work. It happens. So remember to not put pressure on yourself to always be productive. Doing your job and earning that money is just as productive. Your mental health is a priority so remember to take some time out to just relax and if you're having a productive day, remember to take breaks. If you're stuck inside all day, take a moment to get out and go for a walk somewhere. Clear your head and get some fresh air. It really helps out. I know it's important to be productive during the Summer but taking some time out for yourself is just as important. Remember to relax and everything will be okay. 

There we have it. Those are my productive tips for summer. Let me know if you have any other suggestions on how to be productive in the comments below. I would love to hear it.

Thank you for reading my blog and I'll be back tomorrow with another post. 

See you then. 

Megan x 

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