The Art Of Self-Love

Yesterday, I talked about if I will ever find love and so I thought it was a good time to make a post about the art of self-love. It's really important to make sure that you are taking good care of yourself and love yourself. We are all beautiful human beings and all unique in so many different ways. Not one of us is the same as the other as we all have different appearances, personalities, interests and history. The best way to find love is to first love yourself and I want to share a few habits you can include in your life in order to learn the art of self-love.

1. Be Yourself
Honestly, you are a beautiful person. The easiest thing you can do in your life is be yourself. It's so much harder to be somebody you're not, whether that's trying to copy someone's personality or appearance on a daily basis. That's too much effort to do all the time and it's also not good for you as much as you're losing the person that you are. My biggest tip when it comes to the art of self-love is to be yourself. 

2. Indulge in self-care
Honestly, doing a bit of self-care on a weekly basis really can help you to set your mind at ease. Whether that's giving yourself a pamper, taking some time off social media or even just going out for a walk. Whatever it is that makes you feel better about yourself then do it because it's really important to take care of yourself and do a bit of self-care every now and then because it will really improve your mental health as well as factor into the art of loving yourself.

3. Stop comparing yourself to others
Everyone is at different stages of their lives and experiencing things at different times. There is no set time of when to get married and have babies. I know that many people who I used to go to school with are having babies and getting married already and I'm at a point in my life where I'm nowhere near that. We shouldn't compare ourselves to others because we're all on our own journeys in life and honestly wouldn't you rather be ready for those huge life milestones instead of being unprepared for them. It's better to get married and have kids for the right things because both are a huge financial burden and if you're not financially ready for those things then it could put a strain on yourself. This is why you shouldn't put any pressure on yourself to do anything you're not ready for or feel bad because everyone is getting married and having babies while you're just focusing on your job. Nobody is really falling behind in life. We're all going at our own pace and doing what is best for ourselves so stop comparing yourself to others because you're doing great and as long as you're happy within yourself then that's all that matters.

4. Let go of toxic people 
I talked about this in a post a few days ago about letting go of toxic friends in your life and honestly this is really important especially in the art of self-love. Honestly, you don't need someone in your life who is constantly bringing you down so it's time to let them go and block them from your life. We should be uplifting one another instead of bringing people down all the time. We're all humans at the end of the day who deserve to be happy and sometimes happiness can come from being surrounded by positive people who make you happy and who don't bring you down all the time. If you have any toxic people in your life then it's time to let them go and delete them from your life because that is the most important thing when it comes to loving yourself as you are worth so much more than toxic people.  

5. Put your happiness first
It may seem like a selfish thing to do by putting your happiness first but it's really not. It shows that you care about your own happiness and don't want to be down all the time. Doing things that make you happy is really important no matter what anyone says because we all deserve a bit of happiness in our lives. My biggest tip is to do what makes you happy and as long as your happiness isn't the result of bringing people down then keep doing what you're doing. Your happiness is key to the art of self-love because loving yourself is a happy feeling and if you're not loving yourself then you're not happy so try to find things that make you happy and stick to it because your happiness is all that matters when it comes to self-love.

Anyway, those are five habits on how to master the art of self-love. I'm sure there's plenty more and if you have any suggestions on habits that can help with self-love then leave them in the comments below and maybe we can all help each other out in mastering the art of self-love. 

Thank you for reading my blog and I'll be back tomorrow with another post.

See you then.

Megan x 

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