What's In My Carry-On?

The summer holidays are finally here and that means it's the perfect time to go abroad for the Summer. I'm actually not going abroad until September but as someone who gets very excited and plans everything ahead before going on holiday it will be no surprise that I've already planned everything I'm taking in my carry on. We also have checked luggage for the plane so all my clothes and toiletries will be going in there but, I thought I will share with you my carry-on bag and everything I'm planning on bringing on the plane with me. 
Let's get started.

1. The Bag
For my carry on bag, I didn't want to have a big bag this time because last time I went on holiday, I had to store my backpack in the overhead locker as it didn't fully fit under the seat and it just makes it difficult to get everything you want out of it for the flight because you have to keep going back and forth to the overhead locker which is just awkward. That's why I decided to have a smaller bag because I know this will fit perfectly under the seat in front of me and means I can get easy access to all my things that will keep me entertained for the flight. This bag is from Amazon and it's by the brand Chereeki. I really like this bag because it has a long strap so you can wear it crossbody but it also has small straps that you can easily big up or put on your arm while you carry it through the airport. It has plenty of room inside with a pocket on the outside and two zipped interior pockets two. It also has a big pocket that you can put things like your phone or passport in so you can easily grab it when you need them out in the airport. Plus it has one big compartment that can fit quite a bit in. I also like the canvas design and feels very sturdy which is always handy because the last thing you want to happen is your bag breaking in the airport. Now you've seen the bag, I'm going to share everything that's in the bag.

2. Sanitary products
In every zipped pocket of my bags you will find a pad and a tampon. The reason why is because sometimes your period hits you unexpectedly and I'd rather be prepared than not prepared. It's just a little essential I have, especially if I get my period during the flight, I'd rather have easy access to a pad or a tampon in my bag then having to ask for one from somebody else on the flight. Of course I bring spare ones in my suitcase but this is just in case that I always like to keep in any bag. 

3. Headphones and phone
Now, I can't show you my phone as I'm using it to take pictures but for me my phone and headphones are always a crucial travel essential. I cannot function if I'm travelling for several hours without music or an audiobook. Plus I can also download a show or a YouTube video or a movie on my phone so it means I have something to keep entertained throughout the flight. Plus headphones are essential so I'm not disturbing other passengers and means I can ignore the sounds of the people on the plane and focus on whatever I'm listening to or watching. I take two sets of headphones as the over ear ones are noise cancelling but sometimes wearing them for a long time can hurt my ears so I like to have in-ear alternatives on me also. Plus it's good to have a spare pair because wireless headphones can easily run out of battery at any time so it's better to be safe and bring an extra pair with you. 

4. Phone charger
Honestly, I'd be lost without my phone and one important part is the phone battery. I always have my phone charger in my carry on because if my luggage ever gets lost then at least I have my phone charger on me so I can keep my phone charged up. In the airport there are always plenty of places where you can charge your electronics. Sometimes in cafes as well as in the departure lounge. Although it can be tricky to find a free one as the airport gets so busy so my best advice would be to make sure all your devices are all charged up before you leave but at least you know you have your phone charger on you if you need it. 

5. Portable charger
Of course, you can always rely on a portable charger as well if you don't have access to a plug. This was just one I got from Poundland I believe. I feel like you don't need to spend a lot of money on portable chargers and you tend to get a few charges out of them anyway as long as you remember to charge the portable charger too. It's just another handy travel essential that I like to have in my carry on. 

6. Passport/Travel documents
This probably should be the first on the list but obviously you won't be able to go abroad anywhere if you don't have your passport as well as all the travel, insurance and booking documents on your person. As I'm travelling with my mum, she is the main passenger essentially so I don't have as much as she does but I have copies of our passports and important documents as well as my own passport which I keep in this little pink folder. Honestly, you don't need to spend much on a fancy travel document folder when you can buy a cheap little folder like this from places like poundland and most of the time you can get multiples of it so you're definitely getting your money's worth at a cheaper price. I just like to keep it into this folder because the amount of times in the airport you have to get your passport and boarding pass is way too many so it's best to just keep it all together in one little folder and then you'll have easy access to it whenever you need to get it out of your bag.

7. Chewing gum
This has become an essential for me whenever I have to fly on a plane because I heard from someone that if you chew gum while on the plane then your ears won't pop as much and honestly, I've stuck by that tip and now I can't go on a plane without chewing gum. This is just Extra peppermint flavour gum. 

8. Book
I find holidays to be the perfect time to crack open a book and get some reading done. Especially when I'm on a plane, I like to have a few things to keep me occupied and one of those things is a book. I'm taking with me I Heart Forever by Lindsey Kelk as this is the second to last book of the series and I've loved this series so far. I just feel like this would be a good book to bring and each novel is about Angela travelling to a new place so it has themes of travelling in it which makes it a perfect read for a holiday. 

9. Sudoku
Honestly, when I'm on holiday I do so many sudoku puzzles. It is actually kind of crazy but it feels so good. Especially when you're lying by the pool with your headphones in, listening to music while doing a sudoku puzzle is honestly the best feeling. I definitely feel relaxed whenever I do sudoku while on holiday and this is a tradition I will always do. Plus it's another thing I can do on the plane or even in the airport itself, not just while I'm lounging by the pool.

10. Adapter
Now, I'm going to Cyprus and apparently they have the exact same plug socket as the UK. However, just to be on the safe side I'm bringing a Euro adapter plug with me just to be safe because the last thing I want to do is go abroad and have no way to charge my phone. Plus you never know, the plane may have to make an emergency landing in another European country so at least I'll be prepared either way by bringing a Europe Adapter plug.

11. Money - Sterling/Euros
An obvious one again that should be further up this list but at least it's on this list. I'm a weirdo who likes to take two separate purses with me when I go on holiday so I can keep my sterling and my euros separate from one another. Plus it always feels weird to me to use my normal purse on holiday. I doubt I'll be able to use my Tesco clubcard abroad. It's very important to bring money with you on holiday, not just your own currency but the place you're going to currency. 

12. Sunglasses
When I go abroad, I'm hopeful there's going to be some sun when I get there so I always have a pair of sunglasses in my carry on bag ready for when I step on the plane and it's still daylight outside. 

13. Hand sanitiser, wet wipes and tissues
I thought I'd roll these three into one as they are pretty self explanatory. Hand sanitiser because germs. Wet wipes in case you make a mess and tissues because again if you make a mess or if you go to the toilet and there's no tissue, at least you'll have spare. Pretty self explanatory to be honest but three very handy things to bring with you in your carry on. 

14. Vaseline
Honestly, I hate getting dry lips especially on a plane with the air conditioning. Everything can feel so dry and so I have vaseline on me so I can easily moisturise my lips at any time to stop them from drying up. 

15. Neck pillow
Honestly, I love having a neck pillow and this one is a memory foam one that I bought from Primark years ago. It's super handy to have on the plane but you can use it throughout your holiday. A pillow for your sunbed to make your sunbathing relaxing or just to stop your neck from aching. It's just handy to have a neck pillow on you and may take up so much but it's honestly worth it. 

There we have it. That's what's in my carry on bag. I hope you enjoyed this post and let me know what your carry-on essential is. Let me know in the comments below.

Thank you for reading my blog and I'll be back tomorrow with another post. 

See you then. 

Megan x 

*This is not a sponsored post* 

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