Back To School Tips
How is summer nearly over already? These past couple of months seem to just fly by. For some of you it may be even more saddening because it means it's back to school time. Now as someone who finished school back in 2015 which is kind of crazy that it's been over eight years now, I'm going to be very honest and say I had a love-hate relationship with school. Towards the end, I was just excited to get ready for the next chapter in my life which was university. Anyway, I thought I'd share tips for you about going back to school as a little reassurance that everything is going to be okay and to remind you that it won't last forever. 1. Have a decent school bag Personally I prefer a backpack but I did fall into the trends of having a tote bag for school but when you have to start carrying lots of books and folders then a backpack is something more practical. It's especially practical if you have things like P.E. and take ingredients in for Cooking. I do not miss t...