September Favourites

As we are at the end of September I thought it would be a great time to share all the things I've loved this month. 

Let's get started!

1. Wizards Of Waverly Place
This was honestly one of my favourite TV shows when I was a teenager. It was very relatable and I definitely related to the character of Alex growing up. I actually started watching the series earlier this year and got to the beginning of Season 3. This month though I was trying to figure out something to watch and decided to continue where I left off with Season 3 and I'm glad because I do enjoy this show. I've been meaning to binge watch all the Disney Channel shows I used to watch for the longest time but I only ever got so far. Now though I'm confident I will finish watching Wizards Of Waverly Place as I've just finished Season 3 this month so I'm on track to completing the series. This is definitely a show I've been loving this month. 

2. With This Kiss by Carrie Hope Fletcher
I finally got out of my reading slump and actually read a book this month. I have loved Carrie Hope Fletcher's books as they all have a magical twist that makes them very unique. This one was no exception as it was about a girl called Lorelai who whenever she kisses someone will see how they die. It was a fascinating story and had this beautiful love story within it. I honestly loved this book and would highly recommend giving it a read. I definitely got more and more invested as I read on which I feel like Carrie has with a lot of her books, you always want to know what happens next. This was definitely a favourite of the month. 

3. Hogwarts Legacy
This is a game I completed a while back as a Ravenclaw but I own a Playstation Four and one of my goals is to try to get as many trophies as I possibly can on a game. This was no exception and one of the achievements you have to visit the map chamber as each of the Hogwarts houses. This gave me the perfect excuse to create three other characters and sort them into each house. It also gave me an excuse to see all the different common rooms and each house as a unique quest before visiting the map chamber which I highly enjoyed. This is honestly one of the best games I've played this year and I feel like it deserved to be in my favourites this month as I played it a lot to try and earn the Playstation trophies which I was able to achieve the Platinum trophy this month as I got all the trophies which honestly made me very happy. I'm still going to play it though as I kind of want to explore my three characters and choose different options that I didn't choose the first time to see if it makes any difference. 

4. Family Feud PS4
Another game where I'm trying to get the platinum trophy on Playstation. I actually have a lot of fun as I'm somebody who loves a good quiz show and family feud is fun because there's always multiple choices for the answers. Plus you can play online games too which makes it exciting. It's one of those games that I play when I'm bored but I'm slowly getting through all the trophies at the moment. There's only three I need to get before I can get the Platinum trophy. Anyway, I've played this game a lot this month so I thought I'd add it to my September favourites. 

There we have it, those are my favourites for September. Let me know something you've loved in September, I'd love to hear it. 

Thank you for reading my blog and I'll be back again soon with another post for you. 

See you then.

Megan x

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