Why I'm Not Dating At The Moment?

Honestly, I've been single for many years and of course I've dated guys in the past. In fact this year, I got to experience my first boyfriend which is honestly an achievement because all the guys I dated in the past never wanted anything serious or just kept it very casual to the point where I sometimes question did it even happen? Are they even an ex? Anyway, I got to experience my very first official relationship for five happy months until it came to a sudden end. It sucks but that's life. I'm now constantly being reminded by other people that he wasn't the one for you or you'll find someone better and my personal favourite is there are plenty of fish in the same. I'm just going to say it right now, there's not plenty of fish out there. Majority of the fish want to keep it casual and the rest just completely ignore you and go for the easier targets. 

Anyway, I've been single since May and it's got me thinking about whether I should go back to the world of online dating and the truthful answer there is still a part of me that is hurting from my ex but another part of me just can't be bothered to go through the whole pantomime that is online dating. I don't know what's worse, the actual matching or the small talk. What's your favourite food? What are you looking for here? Can I get your Snapchat? Especially when you're someone like me who has tried online dating five times and each time ended in disaster as I am still single. We nearly had a success story but that soon failed. 

Now, I'm quite lonely and wish I could have a partner just to hang out with but I also don't want to put myself out there just in case I get let down again. I've already had my heart broken this year and I don't really fancy doing it again. For now though I'm not going to be doing online dating but that doesn't mean I don't ever want to date anyone, I just need to wait for the right time when I'm ready to put myself out there. For now I will just stay single and enjoy myself. 

That's all I have to say for now. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Let me know your thoughts on online dating, I would love to hear them. I'll be back again soon with another post. 

See you then.

Megan x 

*This is not a sponsored post*

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