My Pet Peeves

We all have things that give us the ick. Little things that make you cringe at the thought or sight of them. These are known as pet peeves and everyone has them. I made a post like this a few years ago and I feel like a lot has changed since then so I thought I'd give you an updated list of my pet peeves. Trust me, there are quite a few.

Let's get started.

1. People who don't flush
This is like basic common sense and there are grown adults who do not know how to flush the toilet. I don't know about anyone else but I like to leave the toilet exactly how I found it. As clean as it can be. I'm not saying go through the whole bleach and clean the toilet bowl especially if it's a public one. Even then put a bit of tissue down before you go and it will stay clean. Just have the decency to flush the toilet so that it's ready for the next person to use. How would you feel if someone used the toilet straight after you if you didn't flush it? Pretty embarrassed right so what is stopping people from flushing the toilet. I will never understand. 

2. Ghosting
Have you ever been messaging someone and you think it's going well? The conversation is flowing, you've met up a few times and things have been going great then all of a sudden they disappear. I will never understand why people just can't be honest with a simple explanation. Sure it may hurt the other person but it's better than not knowing. The person you ghosted will be overthinking everything they've done and come to the conclusion it's their own fault which may make them afraid to try dating again in case the same thing happens again. Honesty is better than nothing because doing a disappearing act will one day come back to haunt you then you may regret ghosting that person that was actually pretty decent. 

3. Slow walkers
I can understand that slow walkers exist. It's natural. Some people can't always walk as fast. The one thing I hate about slow walkers is when they don't keep to the edges of the path. They always have to walk right in the middle and make it difficult for people to walk around them. The worst thing is when you're stuck behind a bunch of slow walkers but there's no space to move around them because there's people walking in the opposite direction on the other side. I feel like there needs to be a path dedicated for slow walkers but I feel like they won't always stick to it but it's better than nothing. 

4. People who don't follow cinema etiquette
This is one of those things that really infuriates me. Especially in these modern times where people can't go five minutes without looking at the phone. One of the reasons why I love the cinema is that it's two to three hours of escapism and being lost in the story. Yet that all seems to go out the window for some people that forget other people are in the theatre also. The last thing I want is to see a bright glowing screen in the corner of my eye while I'm watching a movie. It's not like the cinema is even cheap anymore. You're spending about twenty quid which I know may not seem like a lot but it is to some people. I don't understand people that want to check their phones in the cinema and especially you can tell they're trying to be discreet about it. Guess what, the whole audience in the cinema has their eyes on you. Another thing I can't stand is talking. If I wanted a running commentary I would have gone to the audio description viewing. Why can't people just either whisper quietly or better yet not sit near anyone. Sit in the back row and break all the rules for all I care. I just don't like it when I go to the cinema and people can't follow the basic cinema etiquette of not talking and switching off your phones. Drives me nuts. 

5. Rude people
Some people amaze me that they don't know how to do the basics like saying please and thank you, pushing in the queue, taking things without asking or treating people who work in customer service like they are not human beings with feelings. I just hate rude people and it makes me wonder who raised them to be like this. Everyone should be treated with respect. Just saying thank you goes a long way. There's no need to be rude because what is the point at the end of the day? I feel like we should treat everyone how we want to be treated. Life will be a lot smoother if that was the case.

There we have it. Those are my pet peeves. Let me know in the comments below what your biggest pet peeve is. I'd love to hear it.

Thank you for reading my blog and I'll be back tomorrow with another post for you. 

See you then.

Megan x 

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