November Favourites

Welcome to Blogmas!

If you didn't see my previous post then here's what to expect. I'm going to be posting every single day in December so get excited because everyday you'll be getting a new post from me so be sure to check back everyday for an exciting post.

I'm starting off with an oldie but goodie and sharing my November favourites which was a very exciting month for me so without further ado, let's get started. 

1. Back To The Future the musical 
Honestly, this was a highlight of November watching Back to the Future the musical in the West End. It's a really great musical that really does the movie justice. It had an amazing cast, great songs and special effects. I mean some of the effects I have no idea how they did it, that's how amazing it was. I started listening to the soundtrack as it's a great soundtrack with original songs. It was just an amazing experience and deserves the amazing reviews it has. I would highly recommend going to see it in the West End because it was amazing. 

2. Harry Potter
I just have to give a huge shoutout to Harry Potter because honestly, I absolutely love it and in November I was lucky enough to be able to go to the Warner Bros Studio Tour which was an incredible experience. I was emotional throughout and really felt the magic of it all. It reminded me why I love it so much because I honestly don't feel unhappy whenever I watch, read or see anything to do with Harry Potter. It just makes me happy and is a comfort whenever I get a chance to go back to Hogwarts. I love it and that's why it's a definite November favourite because Harry Potter is something that brings me so much joy. 

3. Travelling
Honestly, I'm a weirdo but I love packing a suitcase and going somewhere exciting. Even just staying in a hotel for the night brings me excitement because it's something different. It's a change from your normal routine of being in your bedroom. Even when I get to a hotel, I'm the first to unpack and put everything away to make the room feel like home. I just love any excuse to go travelling and I'm actually doing a bit of travelling this month so I'm very excited.

4. The Great British Bake Off
This is just a comforting show to watch and I tend to watch it in the background while doing something. Even now as I write this, I'm currently watching the semi finals and it's just an enjoyable show. I've watched every season of it so it's always a joy when it comes back on my screen and I've enjoyed this series in November.

5. Eastenders
I've really been enjoying Eastenders this month and I know it's building up to the anticipated Christmas special that we've been waiting for since February. I can't quite believe it's slowly creeping up. I have a few theories of who could be dead but I could be wrong. I have a feeling though it will be a big name. Either way we'll have to wait and see. I also love the fact that Eastenders releases at 6am on iPlayer because it's part of my morning routine while I get ready for work to watch Eastenders. 

There we have it. Those are all my November favourites. Let me know what you loved in November in the comments below. I would love to hear it and also your thoughts on Blogmas. Be sure to comment on any posts you'd like me to write about. I'd love to hear them.

Thank you for reading my blog and I'll be back tomorrow with another Blogmas post. 

See you then. 

Megan x 

*This is not a sponsored post* 

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