Planning For Xmas

I honestly love this time of year with the food, music, movies and buying loved ones gifts. It truly is a wonderful time of year. 

This month is actually very exciting for me because this weekend we're off to Manchester to go to the Christmas markets which I absolutely love because the hot chocolate is just perfect. It's also one of my favourite cities so it's a nice chance to do some extra Christmas shopping plus just spend some time with family. Although this year is just as exciting because we're not going to Manchester once this month. We're actually going twice this year we're actually spending Christmas at my brother's house in Manchester which I'm very excited about because it's something different, I don't have to worry about cooking. It's also nice to spend it with other people as last year it was just me and my mum so this year will be nice and we'll probably play games, have drinks and laugh. It'll be great. 

I've already finished my Christmas shopping as I tend to get it all done within November so that I can just enjoy the build up to Christmas without worrying about any last minute gifts. I'm just somebody who likes to be organised especially for the Christmas holidays. 

Apart from that I don't have much else planned except to have a Christmas movie day and just enjoy this wonderful time of year. 

Let me know what your plans for Xmas are, I'd love to hear it. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and I'll be back tomorrow with another Blogmas post. 

See you then. 

Megan x 

*This is not a sponsored post* 

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