
I was lucky enough to experience my first ever relationship this year and honestly, it was amazing and everything I hoped for. Sadly though things didn’t work out and that’s okay. Sometimes things happen and we just need to move forward. It made me realise though that I’m quite happy in myself and have grown a lot over the years of being single. It’s made me learn the art of self-love and that it doesn’t matter if you have a partner or not as long as you love yourself. I definitely do love myself and the person I am. Granted there are numerous faults and I’ve been through a lot which have changed my perspective on things but overall, I’m quite glad with the person I am. I have a big heart, a good sense of humour and I’m just nice, granted I can be sarcastic and maybe just a little bit weird but that’s just a part of who I am. There are some things I’d change about myself like my weight but I know one day when I find the motivation from somewhere I will do it and be a happy, healthy being who knows the art of self-love. Sure there’s going to be bumps in the road, but overall I wouldn’t change the person I am for anyone.

Self-love is a beautiful thing and I encourage everyone reading this to add a bit of self-love into their life. Even if it’s doing something that makes you happy, that’s letting you bring joy into your own life. All we need is self-love.

Thank you for reading my blog and I’ll be back tomorrow with another blogmas post. 

See you then. 

Megan x

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