Spending Xmas Alone Ideas

Most people usually spend Xmas with family and friends but what about the ones that would prefer to spend Xmas day alone. I thought I'd share a few ideas on what you can do if you're spending Xmas alone or even if you find yourself alone in the build up to the festive season. Here's a few ideas on what you can do.

1. Have a movie day
Honestly, you can treat yourself to a whole movie day and go all out. Setting the right atmosphere with the fairy lights, candles, lots of blankets. Have some of your favourite snacks at hand to enjoy. Then of course there's the movies. You can really get into the festive spirit by watching all your favourite Christmas films or binge watching a tv series or your favourite movie series like Harry Potter. Have a movie marathon because honestly it's a great distraction watching films that you love. This is definitely something I'd recommend if you're spending Xmas alone. 

2. Cook your favourite meal
Honestly, you don't have to go all out with a typical roast dinner on Xmas day. You could cook something you really enjoy and it's better if it's made by you as it's a good distraction from being alone as well as home cooked food tastes even better than a ready meal. The best part is you can literally make whatever you want as it's only you eating it so go all out with a meal you love. 

3. Go for a long walk 
Honestly there's nothing like going for a long walk on Christmas day where everything is closed and it's just nice to get some fresh air. Stick some headphones in and listen to music or an audiobook then just start walking. It's a great way to clear your head and gives you an excuse to get out of your pyjamas, wrap up in your coat and just enjoy some time outside. Try and go to a nice spot like woodlands, up the town or village you live in. Just go somewhere nice for a long walk on Christmas day. 

4. Stay off social media
One thing that can really put a damper on your day is social media where everyone is posting their Xmas days with family and friends which can really make you feel even more lonely so the best thing you can do is stay off social media. Turn your phone off and put it in a drawer because the last thing you need to get upset over is the fact you're on your own this Christmas. Have a digital detox day just so you're not feeling sad and comparing yourself to other people's Christmas. It will really benefit your mental health. 

5. Treat yourself
Honestly, if you can't treat yourself at Christmas then when can you? Buy yourself a few presents for the big day so you've got something to open and enjoy for Christmas. You don't have to go all out with the wrapping but put them in a gift bag and don't open them until the big day. It'll be something to look forward to. Plus the best bit is you know you better than you so you'll be able to buy a gift that you enjoy so there'll be no disappointment. 

There we have it. Those are a few ideas on how to spend Xmas alone. Of course if you're feeling lonely at Christmas, try to reach out to someone. Anyone, whether it's family, a friend, a colleague because it's good to let people know how you feel because loneliness is a thing that can cause upset so reach out to people you're close with and tell them how you feel. They may invite you over for Christmas lunch. Of course being alone doesn't mean you're lonely. It may mean you just want to enjoy some peace and quiet plus you may love your own company. However, you're spending Christmas day. I hope it's a lovely day for you. 

Thank you for reading my blog and I'll be back tomorrow with another post for you. 

See you then.

Megan x 

*This is not a sponsored post*

For business enquiries or just a chat email: megantimeblog@gmail.com


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