The Christmas Tag

I thought as I'm doing Blogmas one thing I could do is a tag post as it's an old school blog post and I thought it would be fun to answer some questions. Plus it's The Christmas Tag post so it makes perfect sense. I did not create this tag myself and will leave a link to the blog where I found the questions at the bottom of this post so be sure to check it out. This is all just a bit of fun and a chance to get to know me a little bit better. 

Let's get started!

1. What is your favourite Christmas film?
My favourite Christmas film would have to be A Muppets Christmas Carol. Honestly it's one of my favourite Christmas films to watch every year as it has such a good telling of the story. Michael Caine is such a good Scrooge and I like the fact he treats the Muppets as if they are real people. It's such a feel good film to watch with some musical numbers thrown in. Honestly, I think it's one of the best versions of A Christmas Carol to date and it's one that I always look forward to watching every year.

2. Have you ever had a White Christmas?
I do remember having a white Christmas but it wasn't as magical as it is in the movies. It was during a month of December where we had a lot of snow and it was still there on Christmas day. It wasn't nice fluffy snow, it was hard as a rock that had pretty much frozen. It was still nice to see snow at Christmas and I think it was a Christmas I was spending at my Dad's house but it definitely didn't have that magical feeling like the Christmas movies did. It was just like any other snow day that you eventually got fed up with. 

3. Where do you usually spend your holidays?
I usually spend the holidays at home with my mum. Normally we invite my Grandparents over for Christmas lunch and go for a walk. This year though we're doing something very different and going up to my brother's house in Manchester to spend Christmas with him which I'm looking forward to as it's different from our usual Christmas at home. 

4. What is your favourite Christmas song?
My favourite Christmas song is Do They Know It's Christmas by Band Aid. It's always those first chimes of the song that just puts me in the mood for Christmas. It's such a catchy song with a wonderful message and honestly it's one that I play the most throughout the festive season. Of course there are so many great festive songs but that one is definitely one of my favourites. 

5. Do you open any presents on Christmas Eve?
Honestly, I've never opened any presents on Christmas Eve. Growing up, my family was not one of those families that wore matching pyjamas and honestly I don't know why that's a thing. It's cute for a photo but when are you going to wear matching pyjamas again? Personally I feel like opening presents on Christmas Eve kind of defeats the purpose of Christmas day so I always leave my present opening for Christmas Day. 

6. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer?
I don't even know how many reindeer there are but I'll give it a go. Rudolph, Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Dixon, Nixon and I have no idea. I'm pretty sure there was a Donner but I feel like I'm very wrong. Okay after googling, I realise there are nine reindeer and I got five right but I realise there is no Dixon or Nixon and I think I got confused with Vixen and Blitzen. I also forgot about Comet and Cupid but I think five out of nine is not so bad. 

7. What holiday traditions are you looking forward to most this year?
Honestly, I don't have many holiday traditions. One thing I look forward to is the traditional turkey roast dinner with all the trimmings. One tradition I also like to do is watch a Christmas film or TV special the night before. I don't really have any other traditions at the moment but I'm looking forward to when I have kids and a man to create new traditions. We will have to wait and see through

8. Is your Christmas tree real or fake?
It's fake. I can only ever remember having two real Christmas trees in my life. We actually have two Christmas trees in my house. One in the living room and one in the dining room as the dining room looks out at the front of our house so it's nice to have our Christmas lights on the tree at the front of the house. Plus you can't not have a tree in your living room so that's why we have two and they are both fake trees that we use every year. 

9. What is your all-time favourite holiday food/sweet treat?
One thing I always love is Christmas Yule Log. I don't like Christmas Cake or Pudding so I'm always excited to have my Yule Log for pudding every year. I absolutely love it. I microwave it for ten seconds as it's just perfect to give it that warmth and melted chocolate in your mouth. It's absolute perfection. I also love getting myself a tub of Mini Cheddars at Christmas time. It's a nice savoury snack to enjoy at Christmas time. Definitely one of my favourites.

10. Be honest: Do you like giving gifts or receiving gifts better?
Honestly, I love buying gifts for people especially when I've really put a lot of thought into it then. Especially when I get to see them unwrap it. I love seeing their faces when they realise what I've got. It's a wonderful feeling. Now, I can't lie and especially if you've read my favourite things about Christmas posts. I love receiving gifts because I'm curious at what people get me and often I'm pleasantly surprised because I think, wow you know me better than I know me. Plus I'm always excited on Christmas Day to open my presents and I'm pretty sure that feeling will never go away.

11. What is the best Christmas gift you ever received?
Honestly, I've received a lot of amazing Christmas presents over the years. One of my favourites though that I still have to this day is a gift I received when I was younger. It was a purple blanket that had a love heart on it with the inscription of cuddle me on it and it was a gift from my late Nanny and Grampy and I've cherished it because it was one of the last presents I ever received from my late Nanny so it means a lot to me. I also have a blanket that was one of the last presents I received from my late Grandad also. Both of those I cherish because they were the last presents I received from them but also when I wrap myself in them it almost feels like I'm getting a hug from them and that is a feeling that will never leave me. 

12. What would be your dream place to visit for the holiday season?
One of my dream places to visit for the holiday season is honestly New York at Christmas time. I would love to spend one festive season in New York to see all the dazzling Christmas lights. Go visit the tree at Rockefeller Center. Have a chance to go Ice Skating on the rink and visit time square also. I'm sure it's a magical place to be during the festive season and it would be a dream to have a chance to visit there during the holiday season.

13. Are you a pro-present wrapper or do you fail miserably?
I wish I was a pro-present wrapper but honestly my present wrapping is almost as good as a child doing it. I've never mastered it. I always fail miserably at choosing the right amount of paper for the gift which results in a lot of sellotape to hide my mistakes of just not knowing how to wrap neatly. I think it's physically impossible for me to wrap a perfect present as much as I try, I always fail miserably. The one thing I can do is I'm a glider with the scissors on the wrapping paper which is my only real achievement. If you don't know what I'm talking about then YouTube Where Are The Scissors Michael McIntyre and then you'll understand when he starts talking about people who are gliders and not gliders. 

14. Most memorable holiday moment?
Honestly, one of my favourite holiday moments is from my childhood because Christmas was such a magical time when you're a child because you wake up and realise Santa's been. He'd leave the stocking at the end of the bed and I was usually the first one to wake up my brother to say he's been. Then we'd wake our parents and open our presents on their bed. Afterwards we'd always have to wait in the bed because Santa might still be downstairs and our parents didn't want to ruin the magic. As you get older you realise your parents were just making sure everything was set up downstairs. Then it was time to go downstairs and check to see if he's eaten the mince pie and drunk the sherry. Yes I really believed Santa drank sherry at every house he had been to. Plus the half eaten carrot that Rudolph ate. Makes you wonder why we only fed Rudolph and not the other reindeer. Then there I entered the living room and saw all the presents under the tree. Then it was just a special moment to be able to open the presents and have them all open before eight o'clock in the morning. Then it was playing with the new toys. One of my favourite Christmases was getting a Barbie Plane with a real working microphone. I absolutely loved that present and played with it for ages. Another favourite was a post box. I was a very imaginative child so a post box was very exciting. It opened up into a counter and had stamps, letters, parcels and fake money. I had many fond memories of that. Then we watched films all day because nothing else was on the telly. Then we'd have Christmas dinner and it was just a fun day. My best Christmas memories are when I was a child because it felt so magical and I had a lot of happy times. Now that I'm an adult with divorced parents, it's not as magical. In fact it's almost like another day just with the present opening. Either way I still enjoy this time of year and hope to one day recreate the magic of Christmas with my own children.

15. When did you realise the truth about Santa?
I think I was eight or nine and it was kind of random how I found out. For years I believed in Santa but one day when I was opening presents I realised Santa used the exact same wrapping paper as my parents then that's when I realised the awful truth. Santa was a cheap skate. Nah I'm just kidding, although my mum tried to claim Santa wraps our presents using the wrapping paper in the house. Fair enough but eventually I figured out the truth just like the tooth fairy that it was all a lie and suddenly everything made sense. 

16. Do you make New Year's Resolutions? Do you stick to them?
I do make new year's resolutions and no I don't stick to them. Honestly, I think my resolutions last until the end of January then I forget I ever made any. I started just making them more vague and realistic. Although I did actually complete my New Year's Resolutions for this year which was to pass my driving test which I did in August. The second one was to be happy which I succeeded at as I did a lot of great things this year so I actually completed my New Years Resolutions for 2023. Yay. 

17. What makes the holidays special for you?
I just love this time of year because everything just feels happier. It's the last chapter of the year, everything is much more relaxed as we get closer and closer to Christmas. There's festive music and films to watch. Plus the Christmas decorations look nice everywhere and everything just feels good. Plus having those moments to spend with family and friends is always nice this time of year. It's just a wonderful time of year and I honestly love it. 

There we have it. That's the Christmas Tag post. Feel free to try it yourself on your own blogs or complete it in the comments below. I would love to see your answers to the questions. 

Thank you for reading my blog and I'll be back again tomorrow with another Blogmas post. 

See you then. 

Megan x 

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