What I Want For Christmas

Do you ever remember when you're a kid and you'd write a list to Santa every year hoping he'll bring you everything on the list? I remember my list consisted of things from the Argos catalogue that I'd circle in the hopes Santa would bring me the right wrong. 

As I get older though, I suddenly realise that I no longer crave lots of different things as I did as a kid. In all honesty you hardly get many presents when you're an adult. You'd even be lucky if you get at least one. Even so, I can't help but think about what I want for Christmas and I thought I'd share it with you. Honestly, I'm not expecting any of these for Christmas nor do I expect I will get them for Christmas but one can hope and dream. Plus this is just a bit of fun and doesn't need to be taken too seriously. Let's get started. 

1. A Boyfriend
Honestly, I'd love to have a boyfriend. Mainly just to have someone to hang out with, go on dates and just have a laugh with. Plus an excuse to have a movie night while snuggled up in bed would be very nice. I don't want anyone in particular just someone who is decent, won't mess with my feelings, has a good sense of humour plus is very caring and would be there for me. It would be nice to unwrap a boyfriend on Christmas but I doubt it will happen this time around. Maybe next year. 

2. A Car
Now that I passed my driving test, I would love to be able to have my own car to drive around in. My dream car is the blue Toyota Aygo because I think it's such a nice looking car and I think it would be a great first car. However, it's hard because where I live there's not any Toyota dealerships. To be honest though, I would be happy with any little car. I just have one tiny preference that it's blue but honestly I'd be lucky if I get any car. I can't really afford one at the moment as December has been an expensive month. Either way I hope to get a car in 2024. That's my number one goal. It would be nice to have a car for Christmas but I have to be realistic and know it's not gonna happen. One can dream though. 

3. Socks
A standard present but I feel like the majority of my socks now have holes in them and it would be nice to have a pair of socks for Christmas. I'm at that age where socks are a treat to get at Christmas and always look forward to receiving a new pair of socks at Christmas. 

4. Chocolate
Gotta love a bit of chocolate and one of my favourites is either Dairy Milk or M&Ms. Who doesn't love getting a bit of Chocolate for Christmas and just before the new year so when they're all consumed then you're ready for the new year diets. For me chocolate is a great gift for Christmas. 

5. To Be Happy
Honestly, just being happy at Christmas is all I could ask for. I don't want my Chrsitmas to be spoiled by anything which is why it's probably a good thing I'm single and not currently on any dating apps at the moment cause honestly I don't need the drama of that. I just want to have a very happy Christmas with my family and just enjoy myself, opening presents, eating a turkey dinner and just having a laugh. That's the main thing I want this Christmas and honestly I think it's something I'm going to get. 

Anyway, that's all I want for Christmas. I know some of those things are a bit unrealistic but one can dream and the rest I'm looking forward to getting. Let me know what you want for Christmas, I would love to hear it in the comments below. 

Thank you for reading my blog and I'll be back tomorrow with another post for you. 

See you then. 

Megan x 

*This is not a sponsored post* 

For business enquiries or just a chat email: megantimeblog@gmail.com


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