Winter Blues

This is a reminder that sometimes the festive season isn't always jolly and happy. It can sometimes be overwhelming and stressful to some people. Don't worry if you're feeling like this because this is perfectly normal. It is a lot of pressure especially when it comes to buying presents and if you're hosting Christmas dinner at your house, it can be stressful at times. It's okay to feel this way and remind yourself that you're not alone. 
If it's too much, ask your partner, sibling, parent or even a friend to help you out. This will definitely take some weight off you especially if you ask them to do the puddings or just even give them a few jobs to do on Christmas Day. Remind yourself that it doesn't always have to be perfect, some of the best Christmas Days I've had have been far from perfect. The nicer ones are where everyone opens their presents, watches movies all day and just chill out. Remember for some it's nice to have a day off for the festive season so it doesn't have to be all glitz and glamour. 

Another important thing is don't compare your Christmas day to anyone else's. Make it your own and stay off social media because I can guarantee people who are posting their Christmas days all over social media are clearly spending a lot of time on their phone and not actually embracing the day. Have a tech free Christmas morning and say nobody gets their phones until after Christmas dinner, that way everyone can enjoy some quality time with the family and not have to worry too much about what other people are doing. 

This is also a reminder that it's important to take breaks from everything. Remember to look after yourself. Indulge in some self-care even if it's spending half an hour in the bath, having a pampering or just taking a moment to be by yourself doing something you enjoy whether it's reading a book or watching an episode of a TV show you're watching. Remember you're allowed to take breaks from all the craziness that is the festive season. 

Remember, if you're feeling overwhelmed then make a list of everything you need to do. Even make a list for Christmas Day so you're prepared for the big day and you can cross things off as you go. It will make it all feel just a little bit more organised and make the whole thing go a lot smoother. 

Lastly, don't forget to talk to someone about how you're feeling. You shouldn't feel alone in how you feel and talking to someone might lift a weight off your shoulders and might make you feel better. Plus if it's someone who cares about you then they might alleviate the pressure off you which will be better for you as it won't make you so overwhelmed. 

During this festive season, remember to look after yourself as you matter too and remember it doesn't have to be the most perfect Christmas. What matters is the people you're with on the day and be grateful for everything we have. 

Thank you for reading my blog and I'll be back tomorrow with another post for you. 

See you then. 

Megan x 

*This is not a sponsored post*

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