Winter Travel Tips

Travelling around this time of year can be very stressful especially if you're going by bus or train. It can be very stressful and overwhelming at times but I'm here to give you a few tips to help you through it when you're travelling home for Christmas. 

Leave as early as you can
Honestly, travelling in the morning really helps because it's quieter and it's better to get the journey over and done with. This also relates to when you go home. Try to leave on a weekday so that you can leave on the Friday or earlier in the week because more people tend to travel on the weekend so if you can try to travel during the week. However, if you can then try to leave as early as possible because you might get lucky and miss the busy crowds. 

Pack Light
I cannot stress this enough but packing light makes travelling so much easier. I always like to travel with my carry-on suitcase and a rucksack on my back. It just makes life easier if you have a free hand but also the luggage rack is most likely going to be full of big cases so at least you can put your carry-on on the shelf above the seats. Packing light just makes it so much easier when it comes to travelling during this time of year.

Check your train times
Just because the price may be cheaper, check the train times because I've booked advance tickets and realised they give you only five minutes for your connection which in reality never works as there's always a delay around the festive season so check to see if you have plenty of time to change your trains if you have a connection. It's always good to be prepared just in case there are delays and you have some leverage if you miss your connection.

Check you have the correct tickets
There's nothing worse than getting on the train the realising you're travelling on the wrong train or the date is for the week after. Trust me when I say I've done it so it's really important to double check your tickets to make sure you're travelling on the correct train and it's the correct date. Sometimes a ticket says you must travel through a specific place so make sure you're checking your train times and seeing if you're going by what your ticket says. Sometimes booking an off-peak or anytime ticket can really help you out just in case you miss your connection because sometimes advanced singles don't often offer that luxury. 

Help is always there to those who ask for it
Remember if you're travelling alone or just unsure where to go, remember there's always people around who can help you out from the train conductors to the people at the info desk. If you have your trainline app you can check what platform your train is on and which train it's for. Remember everyone gets lost from time to time and especially if it's a station you've never been to before. Like Birmingham New Street is an example because sometimes you have to go from the platform then the platform is on the other side and you have to get through two ticket barriers to get to it which may be a little confusing. Just remember to follow the signs and double check with a guard at the barrier who has probably worked at that station for a while and knows their way around. It's okay to ask for help if you're unsure because the last thing you want to do is end up on the wrong train going in the complete opposite direction. 

There we have it. Those are my Winter travel tips. I hope this is helpful to any of you travelling during the festive period. Let me know if you have any more travel tips in the comments below and maybe we can all help each other out with travelling this winter. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and I'll be back tomorrow with another Blogmas post for you.

See you then.

Megan x 

*This is not a sponsored post* 

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