Worst Gifts

It's time to spill the tea on all the worst gifts I've ever been given. Watch out family and friends, I'm coming for you all. 

Just kidding. Even though I've had a few questionable gifts where I couldn't help but wonder what they were thinking when they bought me this. This post is not about spilling the tea but rather going over some of the gifts that might be a little too cliched and maybe you should avoid giving people especially if you don't want them to think that your gift is a little boring. Here is what I think are some of the worst gift ideas to give to people. 

The 'letter' gifts
How original? You bought something for someone because it had their initials on it. Boring. Honestly, it's cute the first few times but now it seems to be constant whether it's a mug, a makeup bag or even a piece of jewellery. At least if you're going to buy someone a gift that has their letter on it then at least make it something original or bought from an independent seller and not from a big shop that sells loads of them. There's just no imagination to the gift if you bought it just because it has the letter of the person's name on it.

Gift Cards
I'm just going to say it. Gift cards are the lazy person's gift. The argument is well at least they can buy something they'll enjoy rather than wasting my money on a gift. That's great but what if it's for a gift card for a shop they don't even visit much. That's just pure laziness and no thought whatsoever in it. If you're going to buy someone a gift card, at least put some thought into it. Don't buy them a gift card for a clothing shop because they were clothes. Buy them a gift card they'll actually enjoy using. If they're a book lover, buy them a gift card for a bookstore. If they're a gamer, buy them a gift card for the console they have. Make sure you know exactly what console they have before you buy it though. The last thing you want to do is buy them a Playstation Store gift card and they don't have a playstation. At least then you've put some thought into their gift rather than just buy the first gift card you see. Even so, a gift card should be a last resort present if you literally can't think of anything to buy because it's still a lazy person's gift in my opinion. 

One of the gifts I always dread getting is clothes. I don't mind things like accessories or pyjamas but when someone buys me a top or a jumper, I can't help but get nervous. I'm very particular about what I wear so if someone buys me a top for Christamas I'm always wary because sometimes they get it right and sometimes they get it very wrong. The worst thing is if the colour is one that I never wear or the size is completely wrong and you know for a fact they guessed your size. If you're having to guess someone's size then maybe don't buy them clothes for Christmas because it never ends well and you'll get it wrong. Especially if they get you a size bigger than what you actually are. That's really depressing and yes that's happened to me before. It was not a great feeling. Clothes are the one of the worst gifts to give someone, especially if you don't really know their style or their size. It can be disastrous. 

Biscuit Tin
I'm not going to lie, I love a good biscuit but I'm not craving a whole box or tin of biscuits and I'm pretty sure not many other people are either. If you're going to buy me biscuits, buy the cheap packet of bourbon creams rather than a fancy tin of shortbread. Even just a small box of shortbread is enough. We don't need the different shapes of shortbread in a tin. To me it's just another one of those gifts that people buy because they couldn't think of anything else to buy. The person you give them to might not even be a biscuit lover so why bother. I'll admit though that I bought a box of biscuits as a gift one year and I regretted it because it was one of the cheap boxes and guaranteed by the time Christmas comes around that most of the biscuits will be broken and nobody wants a broken biscuit. It's not worth it buying biscuits, just go with the chocolate tub. It's a much safer option than biscuits. 

There we have it. Those are in my opinion the worst gifts to give people for Christmas. Let me know what the worst gift you've ever been given in the comments below. 

Thank you for reading my blog and I'll be back tomorrow with another Blogmas post. 

See you then. 

Megan x 

*This is not a sponsored post* 

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