Xmas Movie Night

One of my favourite things to do this time of year is chill out and watch Xmas movies. I just love a good Christmas film and it gets me excited for Christmas and it feels so cosy. Plus outside it is freezing cold so it's nice to get snuggled up with some blankets, snacks and watch some of my favourite Christmas movies. 
It all begins with getting my favourite snacks and recently I've been loving Mini Cheddars. I don't know why but they are such a simple snack to have. Plus I love the jumbo size tub because normally they come in a tiny bag and that never feels like enough. I also like to have some sweets so I gotta have my favourites which are M&Ms. Always a good shout especially when it comes to watching a movie. Plus it's different to having the usual popcorn. 

Now for the main event, the Christmas movies. 
One of the classics is Home Alone. It just has to be done. Even though I watch it every year. I know exactly what happens. It's not Christmas without watching Home Alone and hearing Catherine O'Hara scream Kevin at the top of her lungs. It's just a fun, feel good film and always makes you wonder. What on earth was Kevin's dad's job that he could afford a huge house and a fourteen person trip to Paris plus have enough to put the adults in first class. Either way it's a fun film to watch every year and I love it. 
One of my favourites is The Grinch Who Stole Christmas starring Jim Carrey. I love this film as I used to have the VHS of it and was definitely one I loved watching this time of year. I don't care what anyone says about this movie. It's a fun movie and Jim Carrey is an excellent Grinch. Definitely one of my favourite Christmas movies. 
Finally, The Holiday is another feel good movie. It's just a fun movie that makes me wish I could switch places with someone for the holidays and just escape for a while. It's a little depressing if you're single and I relate to Kate Winslet's speech about unrequited love because I have lived that so many times in the past. It's still a feel good movie and gives you hope that maybe just one day Mr Right is around the corner. 

Anyway, that's my Xmas movie night. Let me know what your favourite Christmas movies are to watch this time of year and do you have a night where you're snuggled up with snacks and watching them all. I would love to hear it. 

Thank you for reading my blog and I'll be back again tomorrow with another Blogmas post. 

See you then.

Megan x 

*This is not a sponsored post* 

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