Being Ghosted

It's honestly one of the worst feelings in the world to be ghosted by someone because most of the time nothing even happened. One day they just stop communicating with you and when you try to reignite the conversation again, you often find yourself being left on read. You hope they'll get in touch with you again but they don't even give you a hello, let alone a reason why they've cut ties with you. 

I've been ghosted a couple of times and it honestly sucks because everytime I think things are going well and I get hopeful that the other person might actually like me. Then before I know it they do the disappearing act on me with no explanation. I've been down the route where I've almost been desperate to try to keep them in my life by messaging them again and reigniting the conversation. Most of the time though you soon realise they're not interested from the messages they've sent. There seems to be no future, no possibility of meeting up and the conversation is a bit dry. Plus they don't even seem to check up on you or be interested in your life so you realise it's pointless to keep messaging them. 

There was only one time where it really got to me because I met this guy online and we ended up messaging then met up a few times. It was nice, we ended up going for a drive, watching movies together and we seemed to get along. I thought things were going well because I even stayed over at his place once but then all of a sudden the communication just stopped. One day he just stopped replying even though he'd read the last message. I didn't let it bother me at first because sometimes you have to understand that people have lives and jobs. Sometimes they're just busy and won't always reply straight away even though they've seen the message. I messaged him again after a couple of days but the conversation didn't seem to go anywhere and once again he stopped replying. That's when I knew I was being ghosted because if he was interested then he would have eventually replied or even messaged me again within the week. 

A lesson I've learned is that if someone wanted you in their life, they would make the effort. They wouldn't ghost you. They may leave you on read for reasons like working or sleeping or they're just doing something else. I've done it before where I read a message while I was playing a video game and just completely forgot to reply after a couple of hours but I eventually did reply and explained what I had been doing. Even just giving a reason why they took a while to reply is a simple act to show they care because they might have been worried why you weren't replying. That's okay. However, when they stop replying and you find yourself always being the one to message first every single time to reignite the conversation, that's when you should realise they are not bothered about whether or not you're in their life. They stop replying and normally only message you because they want something from you or are just bored. 

Here's my message to you if you find yourself being left on read. Don't beg for their attention. Messaging them first once is okay but if it happens again where they stop replying to you and then don't message you within the week then that's the sign that they're ghosting you and it's time to cut your losses. Just remember if someone wants you in their life then you will know. Always be aware of people's actions towards you and think about how much effort you should put into relationships and friendships because sometimes it could be one sided and you'll be the one getting hurt. 

Anyway, that's my little rant about being ghosted. It happens and it sucks. This is why I've taken a break from online dating because I don't want to get my hopes up again and end up being ghosted. Let me know if you've ever been ghosted in the comments below and maybe we can all realise we're not alone. 

Thank you for reading my blog and I'll be back tomorrow with another post. 

See you then. 

Megan x 

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