Study Tips

I know a lot of you reading this may currently be in school or university so very soon you'll have exams and assignment deadlines coming up. Now rather than studying for them, you're searching up ways on how to study. Well, I'd thought I'd help you out by sharing my tips on how I studied when I was in school and university.

Let's get started.

1. Find what works for you
Remember everyone is unique. We all pick up information and learn things differently. Some people are more visual whereas some prefer writing everything down. Some even prefer to listen to things through audio. Try different methods before you start to see which one works best for you. You might prefer, writing everything down or typing it out. You might prefer just reading and highlighting the information. You might prefer seeing it visually through images or diagrams. You might prefer listening to podcasts, lectures, and videos. It's always good to know what works for you because everyone is different and we all can retain information in different ways so even though it works for someone one way, doesn't mean it will work for you that way. You might find a different approach to studying is better for you and that's okay. There's no right or wrong way to study as long as you are studying. That's the most important thing especially when it comes to exams and assignments.

2. Don't leave it all to the last minute
Trust me. You may think you have all the time in the world but these exams and deadlines sneak up on you and before you know it it's the month of the deadline. It's really important not to leave it all to the last minute because you might think you're going to get that adrenaline rush of motivation and while you do, it's also the most stressed out you will be and you will wish you did it sooner. I did this twice while I was in university. I did two assignments the night before they were due and I have never been so stressed out. Even though I thought that the deadline was the next day which gave me that burst of motivation, it was not good for my stress levels because I was pressured to find all the information in one day and put it all in an assignment. Even though I somehow passed that assignment, it only just passed. However, if I had made an effort to do it sooner. One I could have probably found better information but put more time into my assignment. Not just rely on when I hit the word count because that was the main focus of doing my assignment the day before it was due. Trust me when I say, do not leave your assignment the night before it's due. It really isn't worth it. 

3. Write down all your references in a document
One thing I hated about assignments was referencing because you always had to have a certain number of references and the worst bit was actually searching for them. Of course it's probably easier now with E-Books where you can just search words on them. Back in my day I used physical books and searched the index. What I used to do was use books that were referenced in lecture slides but also just search in the library catalogue topics related to my assignment to see what would show up. I then borrowed books and I used to borrow five at a time because I knew I needed those references. I then go to the index and find the topics related to my assignment and I'd go to every page and I'd make a note of every single possible reference I would use. I'd also make a note of the page number as well as have the reference for the book as well in a document. This really helped me out because having a document filled with different references really helped me out and of course.I could compare references, use them in arguments to say whether someone agrees or disagrees. One tip that really helped me out from a lecture when it comes to references is make a point, back it up with a reference then explain it. This is what really helped me when it came to doing my assignments. 

4. Create a study schedule
Sometimes it can be hard to know when to fit in studying, especially if you have a lot of exams coming up and don't know where to start. It's useful to know when you have your exam timetable as you know which order your exams are coming in and then you can base your schedule around that. I also find studying for around two hours can really be beneficial to me because an hour just flies by but with two hours you're guaranteed to get a lot done and it will soon fly back.

5. Have a dedicated work space
I know it's tempting to study from the comfort of your bed but you have to remember that your bed is for sleeping and relaxing. Your body also knows this so whenever you're in bed, you're going to feel more relaxed and lazy so when you try to study on your bed, you're not going to fully be focused as you would if you're sitting at a desk because your body is thinking that you're relaxing or about to go to sleep. I know it's comfy but you won't be as productive if you study on the bed. That's why it's good to have a dedicated work space like a desk so that you know when you're at this space that it's time to be productive. Plus you'll be twice as productive at your desk then your bed as you'll be sitting up straight as you won't be in a comfortable position so you can focus more. 

6. Instrumental music
Something that really helped me when it came to studying and doing my assignments was listening to instrumental music. I just didn't like working in silence but I found music with lyrics to be too distracting so a compromise for me was instrumental music. One soundtrack I listened to was the Titanic soundtrack because it just put me in the mood to work on assignments. Especially if I was searching up references. It really helped a lot to listen to one of the most iconic soundtracks. 

7. Take regular breaks
It can be tempting to work as much as you can but it's really important to take regular breaks. Sometimes you need to take five to ten minutes away from your work to clear your head. Whether that's to make more coffee or even just stepping outside for some fresh air. It's always good to have moments away from your work because otherwise you'll just crash and burn. Plus sometimes stepping away from your work for a short time can give you a new perspective and maybe even make you think of something that you didn't think of before so don't forget to take a break from your studying. 

8. Reward yourself
Something that really motivated me to study was having a reward at the end of it. Whether it was having a nice meal or playing a video game I've been enjoying recently. Having that reward at the end of a study session can really motivate you to work harder because then if you've worked hard then you know you've earned that reward. It doesn't have to be a big reward every time but having something to look forward to after your study session can really push you to get it all done. 

There we have it. Those are my study tips to help you with your studying. Let me know if you have any study tips in the comments below and maybe we can help everyone who has exams and assignments coming up in the next few months. I wish you good luck if you are one of those people. 

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and I'll be back tomorrow with another post.

See you then. 

Megan x

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