What To Do When You're Bored

Sometimes boredom hits you like a brick and sometimes you have no idea what to do. You may find yourself endlessly scrolling through social media or watching YouTube videos but suddenly that doesn't seem so appealing anymore so you need to find something else to do.

Fear not as I am here to help you get out of your boredom and find something useful to do.

1. Go Somewhere
Honestly, sometimes to cure the boredom can often be just to leave the house. Whether it's to go for a walk, a drive, a bus ride or even jump on a train and go somewhere new. Adventure is out there and you never really know what your day will bring when you step outside the house. You could meet the love of your life, discover a new place to walk or even a cafe or a shop you've never been to before. The possibilities are endless. Sometimes all you need to cure your boredom is take a step outside and go on an adventure.

2. Scrapbooking
Something I've been really enjoying recently is scrapbooking. It's so easy to do. All you need is a sketchbook and supplies then you can just let your mind wonder. Be creative with your ideas. Plus it's just nice to do something that doesn't involve any technology. It's just you and your imagination. Plus there's no rules to scrapbooking, you can be as abstract as you like or follow a theme but the choice is yours. It's a great way to pass the time and it can really help you to feel creative.

3. Reading a book
One of my favourite things to do is curl up and read a good book. Especially when it's a book I can't put down. It's always a good feeling just getting lost in a story, meeting new characters and following their adventure. If you've seen my Goodreads page you know I've read quite a lot of books so far this year which is something I'm really proud of and I honestly can't wait to read more books this year discovering new stories, authors and adventures. Reading a good book is a great way to cure your boredom.

4. Tidying Up
Sometimes to cure the boredom can be to tidy up or even sort out your things. Whether it's tidying your bedroom, sorting through your clothes or just clearing up some clutter. Sometimes tidying up can really motivate you to be productive. Plus it helps you to get organised and make you feel like you have some control in your life. Tidying up is always a good way to cure boredom so if you're feeling bored then why not have a little sort out of your things.

5. Self-care
Finally, a great way to cure boredom is to do a little TLC on yourself by doing a bit of self-care. Now this can be through many ways, it could be just having a bath or a shower, giving yourself a little pamper session with face masks and exfoliating your body. It can even just be doing a little skincare or painting your nails. Sometimes we just need to remember to look after ourselves from time to time so doing self-care can really help with that. I've done many posts in the past about doing self-care so be sure to search on my blog for those with the search bar in the right hand corner because I have lots of different ways you can bring a little self-care into your life. Next time you're feeling bored, try to think of the last time you looked after number one and embrace a little bit of self-care into your life.

There we have it. Those are my ideas on what you can do when you're feeling bored. Let me know what you do to get out of boredom, I would love to hear your suggestions.

Thank you for reading my blog and I'll be back tomorrow with another post.

See you then. 

Megan x

*This is not a sponsored post* 

For business enquiries or just a chat email: megantimeblog@gmail.com


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