Feeling Lost

Do you ever feel like things aren't going the way you planned? Like just for a moment you'd thought you'd sort your life out then everything changed and it's almost like you're back to square one. You're not sure what direction to turn and you don't really know where to go next. I've been feeling like that at the moment. I feel like my life is a bit up in the air. It was great last year because I had a new job and a boyfriend I could focus on but now as a single lady with no idea what my next step in life is. I feel lost.

I think this a normal feeling especially because I'm twenty seven and it does feel like I'm falling behind in life with most people my age getting engaged, married, having babies or living on their own. I'm far from all those things. I've been to university twice and it feels like I have nothing to show for it. I'm definitely living in a place with a lack of opportunity to find a job with my degree. Yet the thought of moving away and trying to figure it out on my own is kind of scary. I don't even know if I'll make it or if I'll just end up in a worse situation. Life is very hard sometimes but I know at some point I'll get there in the end. Hopefully before I'm thirty. Who knows what will happen? Sometimes life hits us unexpectedly. I'm hopeful for the future even right now I'm feeling a little lost at the moment. 

Anyway, I wanted to be honest and share how I'm feeling because I'm sure some of you in your twenties or even thirties or even whatever age you are might be feeling lost at the moment too. Sometimes it's reassuring to know you're not the only one that feels lost. Have a virtual hug from me if you do feel that way and feel free to leave a comment or email if you want someone to talk to. I'm not a professional in any way but sometimes it's good to talk to someone even if it's a blogger.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and I hope you have a really lovely day. I'll be back again tomorrow with another post for you.

See you then.

Megan x 

*This is not a sponsored post*

For business enquiries or just a chat email: megantimeblog@gmail.com


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