How I Deal With Distractions

I know some of you are currently going through exams or assignments or you just have a lot to do but find yourself easily distracted. Even now, you could be reading this post as a distraction. Hopefully once you've finished reading this post you'll be a master at dealing with distractions and actually get back to what you're meant to be doing. Let's get started.

1. Plan your time wisely
It's really important to plan out your time wisely on everything you need to do. Make a to-do list of what you need to do and try to schedule out time frames for how long you want to do each thing. Of course be realistic with your timings, don't assume it will take longer. Try to plan it as if you're in school. Spend two hours working, take a break then do another two hours then have an hour lunch then continue to work another hour. When I was in university, one of my lecturers gave me a tip to treat your uni work like a nine to five job. Even if you don't have lectures that day but you have assignments then work on them between nine to five. Of course, you must do what works for you as we all have different ways of working. Some of us prefer to get up early and start working right away and there's some that may find working in the afternoon and evenings works for them. Just make sure you're planning your time wisely to avoid getting distracted from what you're meant to be doing. 

2. Have a dedicated work space
It's really important to have a dedicated workspace that when you're in that space then it's the time to be productive. Whether it's a desk in your room or if you're able to set up an office somewhere in your home then you can really embrace productivity when you're in that space. It's a mind trick in a sense that when you're in that space, it's the time to be productive but when you leave that space then you can relax and be free to do whatever you want. This helps when it comes to dealing with distractions because if you have that space that is meant just for work then it will really boost your motivation. Plus it's important to keep your space tidy and clean because I've found one of the biggest distractions to stop me from working is clutter near my work space. I tend to spend five to ten minutes tidying up which really helps get me in a productive mood because I'm doing something productive then once I'm done with it, I can move on to something even more productive. Having a dedicated work space will really help with your productivity. 

3. Make sure you're getting enough sleep
One of the biggest distractions could be that you're tired. Sometimes you just can't be bothered to do anything and you'd rather take a nap or be lazy in bed. The reason why is because you didn't get enough sleep. It's really important to make sure you're getting enough sleep. Try to work out a routine for yourself where you go to bed around the same time and wake up at the same time. Make sure you get your seven to eight hours of sleep because that really helps you in the long run. It's important to let your mind and body rest when it needs to rest. It will make you feel so much more refreshed and less tired if you have enough hours of sleep. Trust me, it will help you out in the long run. 

4. Put your phone on aeroplane mode or switch it off
Another big distraction is your phone. Sometimes you get a notification and you must reply immediately. Sometimes you start scrolling social media and before you know it, an hour has passed. Switching on aeroplane mode helps because one you're less likely to get distracted from notifications but also you're not connected to any internet so you can't scroll on social media. You could still do things like listen to music but that's pretty much it. This will really help you when you have work to do and it means you won't be distracted by your phone. Trust me, social media will be there when you're finished. If you're really bothered by not being on your phone then treat it as a reward when you've been productive. You can say to yourself that you can scroll as much as you like and watch all the YouTube videos when you've done two hours of work. The phone is the biggest distraction right now so it's important to put it away when you want to be productive or else you're always going to be distracted by it.

5. Take breaks
Another really important thing to avoid being distracted is to take regular breaks. Sometimes if you're working on something flat out then you run the risk of burning out or getting bored with what you're doing. Taking breaks where you take a step away from your work can really help you out. It can make you feel more refreshed and just have a moment to gather your thoughts before going back into it. They don't have to be long breaks either. They could be five to ten minutes and that should give you enough time to relax before going back in again. I find with longer breaks, normally I don't want to continue with what I was doing and end up giving up for the day. Short breaks give you that moment to readjust but also not enough that you completely forget about what you have to do. Remember to take regular breaks when you're working to avoid being distracted from what you have to do. 

There we have it. Those are my top five tips on how to deal with distractions. Let me know if you have any other tips on how to deal with distractions in the comments below and maybe we can all help each other out from being distracted.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and I'll be back tomorrow with another post.

See you then. 

Megan x

*This is not a sponsored post*

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