My Top Five Playlist

Music always has a way of affecting our mood. There is a song for every mood which is always perfect because sometimes the lyrics speak to you on how you're feeling. I thought I'd share my top five songs that I've been loving at the moment. It's a pretty random selection but they're just songs I can't skip whenever they appear in my playlist.

Let's get started.

1. Thunderbirds Are Go - Busted
A classic in my opinion and just brings me back to my childhood where this song was at every school disco. I love it because it just makes me feel like I want to go out in the world and kick some ass. Honestly, I love a lot of Busted songs and this one is definitely my favourite that I've been loving recently.

2. I Want It That Way - Backstreet Boys
Who doesn't love this song? It's just so iconic and honestly I love it. You can't help but sing along as you hear it. I've been doing this thing where I imagine if I ever get married, what songs will I have in the reception and I feel like this would be a perfect number to get in the celebration mood. Not that I'm planning on getting married anytime soon but sometimes you can't help but wonder what your wedding day will be like if it ever happens. My chances are quite small at the moment but you never really know.

3. Nerdy Prudes Must Die - StarKid
A very random choice but honestly this is one of my favourite StarKid songs. If you don't know what StarKid is then you are missing out. It's a YouTube channel that originated the Very Potter Musicals. They've done a lot of their own original shows and their latest one is called Nerdy Prudes Must Die. This song is  great because the vocals are out of this world but I myself consider myself so I don't know why but I find comfort and rage in this song. A good kind of rage though. Even though it's sung by the antagonist of the show it's a song I can't not help but listen to everytime it shows up in my playlist.

4. El Tango De Roxanne - Moulin Rouge
Who doesn't love a power ballad? I experienced this song last year when I watched Moulin Rouge for the first time and it came at a pivotal point in my life. It was during my first relationship and I was going through a lot of emotions like love and also heartbreak. This song really sums up how I felt in that moment that even though my heart is crying, I don't want to be lied to because at the end of the day I still love you. It's one of those emotional songs that really helps you out if you're going through a rough patch in a relationship. I don't need to worry about that anymore as I'm a single pringle but I do enjoy listening to this song whenever I hear it.

5. Don't Know Why - McFly
This is the song I relate to the most and never realised why until I read McFly's autobiography. The lyrics speak to me in so many ways. It's about when you really care about someone but they just keep letting you down. You try to look past through the mistakes and hope that next time will be different only to be let down again. I've experienced these kinds of situations and sometimes when I'm feeling down about it, I listen to this song because honestly it speaks to me. That's why I love it and always have to listen to it because it is one of my favourite McFly songs.

There we have it. Those are my top five songs that I've been loving recently and don't skip every time they appear on my playlist. Let me know what your favourite song is in the comments below. I would love to hear it.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and I'll be back tomorrow with another post.

See you then.

Megan x

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