Day 10 Bedroom

Apologies for the delay of Day ten and Day eleven not posting. I thought they were scheduled for when I went away to Manchester but turned out they were still in my drafts so today you get triple the fun of day ten, eleven and twelve of photos.
This is day 10 which is my bedroom. My bedroom is a working progress as you can see under the window is all my scrapbooking supplies. I’m trying to think of something to put them in. I was thinking maybe some drawers but I’m not quite sure. For now they’re just stacked in boxes but they’re easy to get to. I quite like the layout of my bedroom because my bed is in the corner of the room and I have the tv on the end of my bed. I do my makeup on my desk so the natural light of the window is perfect for that. I also have my bookshelf next to my chair which you saw in day four's post. I also have a bedside table next to my bed and that is pretty much it for my bedroom. It’s small but I like it. It’s my little sanctuary. It’s probably the place I spend most of my time in and I feel content when I’m here. 

Anyway, that’s all I have to say about my bedroom. Be sure to share your pictures of your bedroom. I’d love to see them. 

Thank you for taking the time to view my blog and stay tuned for Day Eleven and Twelve’s photos today. 

See you then.

Megan x

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