October Favourites
The end of another month and that means it's time to share what I've been loving this month. Let's get started. Not For Broadcast I was looking for a new game to play and I came across this one on the PlayStation store. It’s where you are a tv broadcaster and you’re controlling the news. I didn’t know what to make of it at first but when I started getting into the story, I loved it. There’s so many paths you can go down with this game and it has multiple endings. I love those kinds of games because each play through is different. You also learn of details that all start to make sense with each path you take. I’ve been trying to achieve the trophies as well as get multiple endings and so far each play through has given me a different ending which is great. It’s definitely a fun game and also has different levels of difficulty but I go with the story mode difficulty because it’s less stressful. This was a game that I hadn’t heard of before but when I got it, I really enjoyed ...