Trip To Telford

On Friday, I decided to book a solo trip to Telford. I just felt like getting away for the night on my own and I've been meaning to get away for a while. Telford I thought was an easy choice cause I don't have to change trains and it has a shopping centre so I knew I had a lot to do when I was there.
Everything was going smoothly in the beginning when I left my house as I was on time for the train and thought I would make it in plenty of time to Telford. This is when I see the train is delayed which is never a good start. It was so delayed that it didn't even have a time of when it was arriving. It just said delayed. Not a great start but I was thinking eventually it will come right. Well, on the board it got cancelled and the next one was not for another hour and a half. Many of my fellow passengers decided to leave and wait for the next one but I decided to stay because I was thinking maybe they'll offer a replacement bus or something. Luckily I did because half an hour later a train came that wasn't on the board. It was nice because it meant we could get on the train and also know what was going on. Turns out there was flooding. Anyway, this train was stopping after two stops then we had to wait an hour for the next train but the station we were stopping at had a big waiting room so at least it would be warmer. I was just happy to be moving and they gave out a free drink which was nice. Eventually though an hour later the train arrived and I was on my way to Telford. Two hours later but at least I got there and I was quite happy. 
I went straight to my hotel which I paid for early check in so I was able to check in straight away. I stayed at the Travelodge in Telford which was quite an ideal location to get to the shops.

I decided to nip to Primark as I was in a bit of a time crunch as I also booked the cinema which was in an hour's time. I bought a few little bits and pieces but knew I was going to go back to Primark the following morning because I would have a bit more time then. I also managed to buy a Christmas present for a member of my family but I'm not going to say what it is. 
I made it to the cinema and I went to see Beetlejuice Beetlejuice which I've been wanting to see for a while but never had the chance to. It was also exciting because it had been a long time since I'd been to the cinema on my own. I got popcorn and a drink which was huge by the way. I got the regular one and it was still huge. I definitely couldn't eat all the popcorn but I appreciated the big drink as I got thirsty. I also sat in the Recliner Plus seats in the Odeon which was very comfy and I was able to put my feet up. I enjoyed the film, I always love a Tim Burton film and it was definitely a good sequel. I loved Michael Keaton and Winona Ryder in it. Plus I love the fact you get to see more of Beetlejuice in this one. Definitely worth a watch. 
After the cinema, I was hungry because all I'd eaten was a packet of crisps, two shortbread and popcorn. Healthy I know. I decided to go for McDonalds because I could take it back to my hotel room but I ended up getting lost as the main shopping centre had actually closed at six and my maps were telling me to go through to the shopping centre and I think the doors were locked. I ended up walking past TGI Fridays and noticed it was quiet. I thought if I was brave enough I could walk in there on my own and eat there instead. I decided to keep going but I ended up at a dead end or rather just a point where I didn't feel comfortable walking on my own in the dark. That's when I turned around and decided I was going to do it. I walked right into TGI Fridays and said table for one. It's definitely the first time I've walked into a restaurant and done it. Especially a restaurant where it doesn't have an app to order food to the table. It's definitely a whole different experience on your own because you can't even discuss your choices of food with anyone. I decided to treat myself to a pina colada and at TGI Fridays they do two for one cocktails so I got two. I had it on the rocks instead of Frozen and it was just the right size for me. I had their signature sesame chicken which was very tasty. All in all I had a nice time, I watched America's Next Top Model while I ate because I randomly decided to rewatch it as I bought some of the cycles online a few years ago. I'm aware how problematic it is but it's also a guilty pleasure watch. 
Then I went back to my hotel room and just watched some television. I was pretty stuffed and tired after my meal so it was the perfect end to a chaotic day. Definitely not how I expected the day to go but it was a good day nonetheless and reminded me that you can enjoy yourself even when you're on your own. I also woke up at four in the morning for some reason so I decided to work on this blog post as I brought my laptop with me on this trip because I was planning on getting some writing done and I had a little motivation at four in the morning. Sometimes when that motivation hits, you just have to accept it. 
I was able to fall back asleep after writing the start of this post before getting up at 8am. I decided to get up early so I can get to Primark when it opens. I know I have a problem but I didn’t feel I had a full Primark experience. I took my time this time and bought quite a few bits. I may do a Primark haul to share what I got for the next post. 
I then went to get a McDonalds breakfast because I didn’t fancy the hotel breakfast. I went back to the hotel to eat before packing up my things before walking to the train station. I think I got unlucky again because it was slightly delayed but at least it was only five minutes delayed. Luckily there were plenty of seats and I even put my suitcase above my head. Although I kept thinking it was going to fall off, the majority of it was secure. You can be the judge.
Luckily it didn't fall off and my train journey went smoothly. I made it back home safe and sound. Honestly, I had a really lovely solo trip away to Telford and I hope to do more solo trips like it in the future.

There we have it, that was my solo trip to Telford. I highly recommend you take yourself a solo trip somewhere and stay the night in a hotel on your own. It's a liberating feeling. Thank you for taking the time to view my blog and I'll be back soon with another post.

See you then. 

Megan x

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