Making Changes In 2025

New Year! New Me!

It's that time of year where we sit down and set some goals for ourselves for 2025. Thinking this year will be different. This year we will actually achieve our goals. We spend a week or two doing just that where we work on our goals before giving up by the time February rolls around mainly because we lose the motivation to do what we really want to do or procrastinate it onto next month which is never a good idea because if you procrastinate it then most likely it won't get done. 

That's why I thought I'd make this post as I wanted to make some changes to my life and apply them in 2025. I thought these can help me to get more motivated and help me live my best life. Without further ado these are the changes I'm going to make in 2025.

Making a list of everything you want to achieve
Writing down everything you want to do can be motivational and get you started on the right track. For starters you’ll have ideas on what you plan to do throughout the year. Plus you can put anything on the list, whether they’re achievable or somewhat achievable. Don’t be unrealistic and put things like earn a million every year if you’re literally nowhere near that million. They can be goals that may take a bit of time to get to but they also may be simple goals that you can guarantee is going to happen. Things like decluttering your bedroom or travelling to places. Write it all down so you have a clear guide on what you want to achieve in 2025 and that is the best way to start getting organised for the new year.

Start getting into a routine 
It’s important to have a routine because then your life won’t be as confusing. For example, set an alarm to wake up around the same time everyday even on your days off. That way your body clock will get used to getting up around the same and naturally wake up at that time so you feel less groggy. It’s also really important to go to bed at the same time everyday so that you will have enough sleep. I’m aiming to do around seven or eight hours so I’m setting my bedtime to be eleven. I think having structure in your day always begins when you wake and ends when you go to sleep but of course you need to have enough sleep so that you have enough energy for the day. 

Less screen time
In 2025 I want to have less screen time. At the moment I average about 7-8 hours of screen time on my phone. Granted I use my phone a lot to watch videos but I feel like it’s not healthy. If anything, it's an addiction. Even now as I’m typing this post, I’m actually writing it in my notes app. I’ve been considering getting a basic phone for the longest time and having a bit of digital detox where I go back to basics. I feel like we’re constantly living through our phone screens. I want to change that to have periods in the day where I’m not constantly on my phone or have my headphones in. I want to be able to do more things that don’t involve a screen on a daily basis in 2025.

Start Budgeting
One thing I really want to try and do is budget more because everything is getting more expensive these days and I found these past few months dipping into my savings more. I want to learn how to budget so that I can save more money. I’m twenty eight now and I still don’t know how to budget properly so in 2025 I’m going to start budgeting and controlling my finances a bit better.

Have a healthier mindset
I found myself feeling tired a lot more these past few months and I think the reason is I’ve been slacking on trying to be healthy. This year though I want to change that. I want to try and do my 10,000 steps everyday and I want to be choosing healthy meal options. I think if I do that then I’ll have more energy and my body will thank me in the long run. I think choosing to be healthier for yourself is really important because we’re not getting any younger. Plus anything we do now will impact our future selves. It’s important to have a healthy mindset. Be more positive. Don’t focus on how much weight you want to lose or the calories. Focus on just being healthier than what you used to be and before you know it you’ll be living a much healthier lifestyle.

There we have it. Those are my tips to help you get organised and motivated for 2025. I’m going to input these into my life and hopefully by the end of 2025, I’ll be a more improved version of myself. Let me know what changes you’re going to make in 2025, I’d love to hear your thoughts. 

Thank you for taking the time to view my blog and I’ll be back again soon with another post.

See you then.

Megan x

*This is not a sponsored post*

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