Winter Self Care

I don't know about you but for me January is a depressing month. The festive period is over. Everything has somewhat gone back to normal and the weather is cold and miserable. Especially if you live in the UK. Plus January just seems to go on forever and like it will never end. You definitely get the winter blues this month which is why I thought I'd share some things I do to give myself a little self care but also make me feel better when I have those moments of winter blues. Let's get started.

Make a playlist of all your favourite songs
I don't know about you but to me music really does impact my mood. Sometimes I hear my favourite songs and I can't help but sing along or just have a bop to them. Create a playlist of all your favourite songs so that if you're feeling low, just have a listen and soon you'll make yourself feel better through the power of music.

Get up and go somewhere
Whether that's down the street, going to get a coffee, meeting up with someone or just walking on the seafront. Going outside can really make you feel better because being cooped up inside is not good for you. It could lead to you overthinking little things or just wasting the day not doing very much which makes you feel worse. Next time you're feeling low, put your shoes on and go for a walk outside. Challenge yourself by seeing if you can do 10,000 steps. Listen to music or an audiobook while you walk to keep yourself entertained. Plus you never really know what could happen when you go outside. You could bump into the love of your life or see someone you haven't seen in the longest time. The opportunities are endless when you go outside and you won't find those same opportunities if you stay indoors. 

Tidying Up Your Space
I don't know about you but mess and clutter can stress me out sometimes so I like to have a tidy up and clear any clutter up. It just gives my space a bit of a refresh but they also say, tidy home, tidy mind. It's therapeutic to tidy up and you'll feel so much better when you're done. You don't have to go all out and spring clean the entire home but tidying up a part of a space can be really beneficial to you. You can even arrange the room, change the layout a bit for something different. Even have a little declutter of the space, making some more room around the home. It is satisfying when you've had a tidying up session to see it all tidy and organised afterwards even though halfway through it, you may have some regrets after. It will all be worth it in the end.

Getting enough sleep
In 2025, my goal is to start getting into more of a routine especially, with my sleep schedule. I want to aim to go to bed at the same time every night so that when my body is in bed it knows it's time to sleep. I want to aim to get at least seven or eight hours of sleep every night because I feel like I have more energy when I've had enough sleep the night before. It's so important to get enough sleep, otherwise you end up just feeling sluggish the next day and won't want to do as much then you might feel like you've wasted the day which is never a good feeling for your mental health. Sleep is an important part of self care so make sure you're getting enough sleep.

Less screen time
Do you spend a lot of time switching between the same three apps out of boredom or find yourself engrossed in YouTube videos that before you know it two hours have passed. I'm aiming to have less screen time in 2025. I'm going to try and set an hour in the day where I have no screen time and do something else instead. I think it's important especially before going to bed because that is the biggest hurdle when it comes to me sleeping on time is getting engrossed in a video and before you know it, it's getting later and later. Plus I feel like everyone is constantly on their phones and we're not focusing on the world around us. I feel we should spend an hour a day not looking at our phones and do it everyday because there are so many benefits to it. You're not constantly checking up on posts or watching a video, you're instead experiencing life and enjoying the little moments. I remember the days all our phones could do was text, call and play snake. I miss those days. We weren't constantly taking selfies, watching videos or checking up on social media. I miss those days and I feel like that's why mental health is getting worse in some people because of social media and being online all the time. That's why you should make the effort to get off your phone. Do something else like read a book, do a jigsaw or go out for a walk. Just anything that's not a screen and if you do it more often, you'll soon see the benefits.

There we have it. Those are my tips on how to give yourself a little self care this winter. Let me know if you have any other suggestions for self care, I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Thank you for taking the time to view my blog and I'll be back again soon with another post. 

See you then.

Megan x

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