
Finally we made it to the second month of the year. January always feels like a month that just never ends. Then we get to the shortest month of the year which is February with only twenty eight days. Then the year will just fly by. This month is supposed to be the month of love but sadly for me. I think I'm spending Valentine's Day once again alone. I nearly thought there might be a different outcome but I was forgotten about so it's just me again. I've spent the majority of Valentine's Day alone anyway. There was only one time that I wasn't alone and obviously that worked out great. It's just annoying when you go around the shops and you see these Valentine's gifts and you kind of wanna be like, what about the single people. Where's our day? We just get a birthday and that's it but everyone gets one of those so it's not really that special. 

Anyway, Valentine's Day aside. I'm actually going to Cardiff to watch Wales vs Ireland for the Six Nations Rugby which I'm excited about. Even though the rules of rugby still confuse me. It's a fun experience and will be my second six nations game so I'm looking forward to that this month. Other than that, I don't think I have much else planned for the month. Mainly just working and sleeping. I might take this month to work a bit on myself. I have big plans for this year and I want to work on a bit of self improvement which I'm feeling positive about.

Let me know what you've got planned for this month. I would love to hear it. Thank you for taking the time to view my blog and I'll be back again soon with another post.

See you then. 

Megan x

*This is not a sponsored post*

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