Why You Should Start A Blog In 2025?
Hello, my name is Megan and I'm twenty eight years old. I've been blogging for ten years now and I honestly love it. It allows me to be creative, write what I want and also manage my own website. Of course, I've made a few mistakes along the way but overall I'm proud of every post I've made. My blog has grown to over 160,000 page views in that time which is a number I never thought it would reach but here we are.
Now onto the question of this post, why should you start a blog in 2025? Let's break it down.
Allows you to be creative
If you find yourself feeling like you don't have a creative outlet in life or want to be a writer but don't know where or what to write. Starting a blog can be a useful tool to have for many reasons. It allows you to work on your writing skills. Imagine if you were a character on The Sims and you have that bar on top of your head growing with the writing skills, that's what writing on your blog is like. The more you do it then the more you're increasing your writing skill. Plus when it's your blog, it's your rules. You can design your blog however you want to, do a bit of photography to make your posts stand out and write about what you want to write about. When it comes to your own blog then you're the one that makes the rules so let your mind be creative and blog away to your heart's content.
Gives you transferable skills
You might think running a blog is just a hobby and it does start that way. Yet having a blog does give you a surprisingly number of transferable skills that you can add to your resume and take with you onto your future careers. The obvious one is that it shows off your writing. Also it lets you be able to run and manage a website on your own. Plus if you take photos for your blog then that can be added to the portfolio. It also makes you a content creator because you're creating content that is being published out in the world. Blogging is definitely more than a hobby and best of all the evidence of these skills is your blog. Don't make blogging a secret hobby, make it a part of your life and be proud to call yourself a blogger.
Do people still read blogs?
With visual content like YouTube and TikTok, it does make you wonder if reading a blog is still relevant in 2025. I can assure you that blogging is still relevant. Everyday people are online whether that's on pinterest or making google searches for tips, advice and articles. Blogging is another form of media that people turn to when they are doing research. Plus blogging can be a visual tool especially if you use photos on your posts because using photos can really boost traffic onto your blog. That's why it's okay to start a blog in 2025 because you will still have readers even now and in the foreseeable future as long as there is internet in the world.
Doing it for the enjoyment and not the money
My biggest tip when it comes to blogging is that if you're starting your blog hoping to become the next Zoella where you'll be rich and famous then you're doing blogging all wrong. Blogging starts off as a hobby that you enjoy. If you are passionate about something and enjoy writing then blogging is for you because you can write about things you love. Of course you do hope you'll get that traffic to your site but you do have to work hard to be able to get at it. Don't just blog things you think people will want to read about because then you could be like other bloggers out there. Blog about what matters to you and eventually you'll find readers that can relate to you that they'll keep coming back to you. You can definitely make an impression through your words and if you're passionate about what you're blogging about then you're already winning at blogging. If you get that feeling when you're typing away and enjoying every moment of you tapping on the keys then that is when you know you're passionate. I have that feeling at the moment as I'm typing away on this post. Plus there's no better feeling when you've worked on the post, edited it and hit publish that you can sit back and be proud of your work. It's a very nice feeling that I have after every finished post.
Those are the reasons why you should start a blog in 2025. Let me know if I've motivated you to start a blog in the comments below and be sure to leave a link to your blogs. I would love to be able to check them out.
Thank you for taking the time to view my blog and I'll be back again soon with another post for you.
See you then.
Megan x
*This is not a sponsored post*
For business enquiries or just a chat email: megantimeblog@gmail.com
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