Writing A Story

Something that I've been meaning to do for the longest time is to start writing my novel. I did write a first draft of a novel back in 2020 during the lockdown but I never revisited again and lost interest in writing. Recently I've really had the creative bug and I even took a creative writing course on Skillshare which really inspired me to write. 

I started developing ideas for a story and the creative juices started flowing. I had an idea for a particular plot twist that happens in the middle of the story. Instead of starting to write in a linear format from start to finish, I decided to write in a non linear format where I started to write the chapter in the middle of the novel where the plot twist happens. It felt good because I knew what I wanted to happen and knew I could work my way from this chapter. It made me realise that this is the best way to write because rather than struggling to figure out how your story begins or how it ends, you can work on a significant moment in the story then work backwards and forwards from there. When I finished that chapter, it got me thinking about the follow up from the plot twist reveal and the words just flowed. 

I did a bit of writing at the comfort of my desk but one day decided to get out and write in a cafe which is exactly what I did. 
I went to Starbucks and actually ordered two caramel macchiatos for myself because I knew I was going to be spending a bit of time writing in Starbucks. It was quite nice because nobody really battered an eyelid to me on my own, writing away in my notebook. It might have been a crazy idea to order two coffees but when you're working on your own, it saves you having to go back to get another drink and the risk of leaving your stuff at the seat or taking your stuff then your seat being snatched up immediately. That was my rationale but I didn't mind because when I got to the second drink, it was still warm but I'm a weirdo who doesn't mind my coffee getting cold. I did quite a bit of writing while I was there before moving on to the next place. 
That's when I went to M&S where I ordered two drinks again. I went with an Apple Juice and a hot chocolate as I felt I had a bit too much coffee. Plus I had these oaty biscuits which were really quite tasty. Again it feels nice to write when you're surrounded by noise because one of the tips from a writing course I did on Skillshare was to eavesdrop on conversations and take snippets of conversations heard. Although I didn't do this on this occasion as I was so engrossed into what I was writing, it was nice to have the background noise. 

Afterwards, I went home and typed it up. I ended up writing 1700 words which I thought was a pretty successful writing session. Especially as I didn't finish the chapter and already know where it's heading. So far my novel has 4553 words so it is still in its early stages. It's funny how back in university it seemed a struggle to write an assignment of 2000 words but writing a novel with that many words seems easy.

It reminded me why I enjoy writing and am looking forward to working on this novel as I'm enjoying writing this story and hope it may lead to something. Who knows? A girl can dream right. 

I started writing this story on Valentines where I was inspired to work on a project and I highly recommend having a project to focus on. It doesn't have to be a novel, it could be a crafting project or it could be renovation or whatever you're really interested in. Plus people will see that you have a hobby that you're passionate about and it's definitely something you can talk about with others or keep it to yourself. It's entirely up to you. I've loved having this novel to work on and definitely makes me feel really happy. 

Anyway, that's all I have to say for now. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog and I'll be back again soon with another post.

See you then. 

Megan x

*This is not a sponsored post*

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