About Me

Hello there!
I'm Megan Taylor.

I'm twenty-eight years old and I live in the UK. I've got a bachelor's and master's degree in advertising. I'm a daughter, sister, niece, aunt, cousin, granddaughter, friend and now a blogger. I have a love of books, coffee, Harry Potter, musicals, YouTube, Disney and more. I'm also a Libra, introvert, coffee addict, wannabe writer, fangirl and socially awkward.

I've been blogging since 2014 and while I'm not a full-time blogger, I like to be professional and try my best to make my blog and posts look good. I see my blog as my online journal but also a place where I can offer advice on my own experiences as well as share any recommendations. I see this as my own little space on the internet where I can just be myself. If you enjoy any of the posts then be sure to share them or even leave a comment. There is no judgement here and if you have any ideas on anything you'd like me to cover or are looking to get in touch for business enquiries then be sure to drop me an email at megantimeblog@gmail.com.

Either way, I'm thankful you chose to view my blog and hope you find something useful or enjoyable to read in your free time. I have over 500 posts here so I'm sure you'll find something good to read. 

I try to post regularly once a week but sometimes I may post multiple times during the week or even post everyday for a month. Be sure to check back regularly for a new post. 

I'm just a twenty eight year old blogging about her life and other stuff. I'm not a professional advice giver or reviewer. I just have a voice which I want to share via this blog.

So if you like that sort of thing. Stick around. I won't bite. 

Thank you for reading my blog and I hope you have a lovely day.

Megan x


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